
Monday, July 4, 2011

Fourth dimension

IC 2177 - The Eagle/Gum Nebula, also called The Seagull Nebula

(For information about this stunning photograph by Steve Davis and Frank Barrett, click here
You can also shop at Frank Barrett's astrophotography shop, Celestial Wonders, at Etsy.)

From Wikipedia:
IC 2177 is a region of nebulosity that lies along the border between the constellations Monoceros and Canis Major. It is a roughly circular HII region centered on the Be star HD 53367. This nebula was discovered by Welsh amateur astronomer Isaac Roberts and was described by him as, "pretty bright, extremely large, irregularly round, very diffuse."
The name Seagull Nebula is sometimes applied by amateur astronomers to this emission region, although it more properly includes the neighboring regions of star clusters, dust clouds and reflection nebulae. This latter region includes the open clusters NGC 2335 and NGC 2343.

There is another nebula named Eagle Nebula that I have been basically transfixed by during the greater part of preparing this post but in it I could not easily "see" an eagle, as I do in the one pictured above. I have some ideas for a post about that one later, perhaps in my next post.



  1. Wow! And I love your tag about putting patriotism into perspective.

  2. Ah, the vast, vast reaches of space, filled with who knows what splendors, if only we could get out there to see them, from this speck of dust known as planet Earth...

    A wonderful summer to you !

  3. this image reminds me of what I saw last night in our freshly washed dining room window- it was a dusty imprint of a band tailed pigeon who had trid to fly through the too clean glass- fortunately it survived the impact.
    Happy 4th and Happy sunny days.

  4. Stumbled in...viewed the wonderful nebula photo...and was stunned that I could actually see the eagle. You see, I'm one of those guys that can't quite see what everyone else seems to see in a photo or artistic piece of work.

    With your permission, I would like to stroll around a bit.

  5. I do see the Sea Gull with wings spread. It's like seeing figures in clouds. Very interesting.

  6. Fireblossom~ Why, thank you kindly. (I was at your blog last night but everything went flooey on me when I tried to comment - I think it was from this end and not yours.)

    Owen~ Happy Summer to you, too. May we all have some great stargazing opportunities these summer nights.

    Kathe~ Aw, that is sad...but so good it survived. Maybe the nebula force was with it!

    Jerry~ I am always thrilled when someone new stumbles in and decides to stay awhile. Welcome anytime. I will stumble over to your blog in a bit. :)

    Darlene~ Isn't it beautiful? The other nebula called Eagle Nebula is even more powerful (although I do not see a bird in it as I do here).

  7. It is so interesting that whether you go further and further out there to the outer reaches of outer space, or go into the molecular structure of a flower, things look somehow the same. And then, there is me, in some finite limited time wondering what best to do before turning to dust.

  8. Wonderful picture. I too see an eagle.

  9. Wonders will never cease. Otherwise why would a nebula look like an eagle?

  10. it looks like a painting by Jackson Pollock doesn't it

    I think the photos we're getting back from space are truly inspiring. it would take a pretty cold hearted person to look at that photo and not be moved by the sheer wonder of it all.

    Douglas Adams wrote about a "total perspective vortex" - a machine designed to show us exactly how small we were in the universe, but to be a part of such a thing - well, that's not so bad is it?

  11. mythopolis~ Your comment was pure poetry. sigh.

    SG~ I agree the picture is wonderful. The photographer's Etsy site is a cosmic shop, most definitely!

    indiwriter~ Like mythopolis' comment, your comment seemed like poetry to me.

    YogaforCynics~ Hey man, meditate on that image the next time you are in savasana!

    Pixies~ Now that you mention Pollock, I think so too.
    I could look at images from space forever....and if that is what comes after this life I will be happy space dust.
    Thanks for telling me about Douglas Adams, and, to answer your deep question, no--not so bad at all!


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