
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Inherit the sun

Shifting the Sun 
            ~by Diana Der-Hovanessian

When your father dies, say the Irish,
you lose your umbrella against bad weather.
May his sun be your light, say the Armenians

When your father dies, say the Welsh,
you sink a foot deeper into the earth.
May you inherit his light, say the Armenians.

When your father dies, say the Canadians,
you run out of excuses.
May you inherit his sun, say the Armenians.

When your father dies, say the French,
you become your own father.
May you stand up in his light, say the Armenians.

When you father dies, say the Indians,
he comes back as the thunder.
May you inherit his light, say the Armenians.

When your father dies, say the Russians,
he takes your childhood with him.
May you inherit his light, say the Armenians.

When your father dies, say the English,
you join his club you vowed you wouldn't.
May you inherit his sun, say the Armenians.

When your father dies, say the Armenians,
your sun shifts forever.
And you walk in his light.


I took this photo of sunset at Lincoln City, Oregon, last Saturday evening. We spent the night there with our two dogs and, quite frankly, my mind has not fully returned from the beach yet.

When I read this poem it seemed perfect for the image. I do not know why. I just feel that someone who has lost his or her father might come upon this post and find some peace.

I do know that, since scattering my mother's ashes into the ocean over ten years ago not far from this beach, visits there have grown dearer with each setting sun.



  1. Wonderful picture. Awesome poem.

  2. Wow, I was really missing my dad the last few days. I felt very lost. Your poem really spoke to me and lifted me up. Thank you :)

  3. this is lovely- and the photo is gorgeous-nothing better than that light.

  4. A beautiful sunset and a meaningful poem.

    I was not close to my father so when he died it was if he had never been.

  5. oh lydia, this is astonishing, all of it. this is a poem i will never forget.

    thank you


  6. Yes, the sun did shift forever but I'm still walking in his light . . . thanks.

    Nice photo

  7. *****Sorry for not replying yesterday, everyone. I realized I had not as I was going to sleep!*****

    Rob-bear~ I am glad you liked both.

    Looking to the Stars~ How wonderful it connected for you, and your dad. xo

    Kathe W~ Thanks much. It had been over a year since we were at the coast...way too long and not something I want to repeat!

    Frosty~ Hi! Thank you.

    Darlene~ Glad you liked the photo and poem. You and I share the seeming non-event of our father's deaths. I spent only two partial days with him in my life. Guess that is why this poem appealed...just knowing others had a much different relationship with their fathers.

    kj~ Thank you. I think that I too will remember this one, or the gist of it. It is lovely and quite unique.

    mythopolis~ .......(hug)......

    Dee Newman~ How marvelous that you had that kind of dad, that kind of light to shine forever for you.
    (Thank you.)

  8. touching, beautiful beyond words...

    a hug, warm and long...

  9. Great post and some really useful tips there. I love resource lists like this. Have social bookmarked it in the hope that others can also benefit.

  10. Roxana~ Thank you so much. Warm long hug accepted and returned.

    Thesis Writing~ Thank you.


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