
Friday, July 29, 2011

Mag 75 & Friday Flash 55 -- Twofer!

Cycles Sirius by H. Gray*

Daisy had always been a serious girl. Then she heard two songs that changed her from parochial to pioneering. She took the lyrics literally, and believed.

Soon the whole town gossiped behind Daisy's back, too aghast or rigid to face her abreast.

Laughing and pointing far from the right Daisy pedaled away, into the night.
    MLydiaM ~ July 2011


This is a combo Magpie and Flash Fiction Friday 55.
  • To read more Friday Flash 55 pieces for this week visit The G-Man
  • To read more Magpies resulting from this week's photo prompt, visit Tess Kincaid at Magpie Tales
The poster that Tess shared as the prompt this week intrigued me enough to search the artist's bio.....
 *Biography: Henri Gray was a pseudonym of Henri Boulanger, born in 1858 in France. He died in 1924. He used the pseudonym of H. Gray to sign his poster designs. For more racy subject matter, he signed his work with the pseudonym of Orivois (meaning "spicy"). He began his career designing magazine illustrations and covers. He turned to designing posters during the "poster craze" in Paris during the 1890s. He is particularly known for his bicycle posters. [Source]



  1. ha.. i could think of worse songs she could have attached her belief system too...nice subtle touches in there...abreast...

  2. I liked the image of her looking right ( and left ?) and leaving altogether into the night to such happy music. Cheers up Friday beautifully.

  3. ..yep, i agree with Brian.. nice combo here.. both 55 & the mag..(:

    Good day!


  4. I used to sing that first song to my old dog Daisy. Just the first part, about Daisy Daisy give me your answer do, I'm just crazy all for the love of you". :-)

  5. Interesting poster. What I really like the story, and the history, that go with it.
    Well done.

  6. Magnificent take! What an added bonus the videos are!

    I used to sing Would You Like To Swing On A Star with my twin sis when we were little...*sigh* she'd have liked this post, too. Nuts on Bruce she is!!

  7. Brian~ I really appreciated your feedback on this and thank you for it. *

    Freda~ I am so glad your Friday was cheered, in part, by this. (She pointed far from right...definitely left! *

    WINDOWLAD~ Thank you for your kind comment. (I am so intrigued by your blog moniker!) *

    Fireblossom~ Aww, Daisy the dog. I bet she loved the song and knew that first part was just for her. *

    Rob-bear~ Thanks much. I'm glad you enjoyed that bio....initial searches for "H. Gray" kept delivering the illustrator of Gray's Anatomy, not the right artist but an interesting similarity when you think about it! *

    Lena~ I bet you tuneful twins were adorable singing the song! What a fun thing for you to have shared here. Loved it.
    I listened to the original by Bing Crosby, the cover by Sinatra, and others, before finding Bruce and--honestly--his version was exactly how my mind wants to hear Swinging on a Star. *

  8. Daisy's bike had Headlights I see!
    Loved your vids, and I love your 55
    Lydia...You are a terrific writer and very creative. Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End!

  9. Intriguing. I'd love to know more.

    - Alice

  10. Mama Zen~ You are fun!

    G-Man~ Headlights! That is hilarious and I love that you mentioned them.
    Your encouragement makes it all the more fun to play (love your weekend mantra, too).

    Alice Audrey~ Ha! There is much more, I am sure, but you got the gist of her story in 55 words. :)

  11. Lydia, twofers are the best kind of 'fers' .... I am in hot, sticky, humid St. Louis until August 10th helping family deal with a medical problem ... not fun!

  12. Brilliant post! Loved your wordplay!

  13. mythopolis~ Thank you kindly!

    Helen~ Some of-fers are fine, too, but I also prefer twofers.
    I am sorry about the medical problem in your family, and think it is special of you to give up part of a marvelous summer in Central Oregon to be there in hotstickyhumid St. Louis to be of help. Best to you all.

    PattyF~ Thank you so much. Your comment made me smile. :)

  14. Done differently.. Very well composed!
    Hugs xox

  15. This is so great. Love the Gray bio, too.

  16. Olivia~ Many thanks and hugs to you!

    Tess~ Your comment pleased me so much. :)


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