
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Mag 76 -- the windmills of my mind are lame this week

Image by Skip Hunt

George Eliot's works were favored
by Proust -- who said,
"Two pages of
The Mill on the Floss
are enough to start
me crying."

Marcel Proust's works were savored
by me -- who read
Things Past in three years.
I sure hope that I
get through The Mill be-
for dying.
        MLydiaM ~ August 2011

Truly, all I could think about since first seeing this beautiful photo prompt image was THIS SONG & SCENE. Thus, while my muse was off on flights of fancy I was left to do the best I could.
See how much better other writers did with the prompt at Magpie Tales.



  1. Tuulimyllystä minä jotakin ajatuksia saan mieleeni. Ontuvasta nilkasta en osaa sanoa.
    Polvi vähän 'vihottelee' - vasen polvi.
    Mainio kuva. Mielikuvissani siipi pyöriessään aiheuttaa tasaista kitinää...!
    Kehitellään 'Kuva-Mielikuvia'...!

    Windmill, I get some thoughts in my mind.
    'Ontuvasta' ankle I can not say.
    Knee little 'vihottelee' - left knee. A great image.
    Images of the wing rotates to cause a steady 'kitinää' ...!
    Developed "Photo-Impressions'...!

  2. wow I can relate! nice ! thanks.

  3. It takes me forever to read some things. I have stacks of books around me, reading small passages at a time, like snacks.

  4. This is summer.
    The time to let the windmills of your mind spin with joy and abandon.
    You can always re-consider points you think are important when the autumn comes.
    Just make sure to do that before hibernation.
    Blessings and Bear hugs.

  5. "Windmill, windmill spinning around. Look at my windmill, and see what I've found." A little song one of my children sang when young. I think he learned it from a Mr. Roger's Neighborhood episode.

  6. Eko~ Thank you for your visit with fun Finnish phrases and words! I wonder if Finland has many windmills. But everyone knows windmill thoughts. :)

    izzy~ Oh, your validation meant more than you could possibly know! Thank you.

    Tess Kincaid~ Thanks for the great prompt again this week. I love your description of reading material like snacks!
    Remembrance of Things Past is a banquet, and I realize that no one reads Proust's work quickly. It may even take some people more than three years! But I read once that Anais Nin read it every boggles my mind, windmilled or not!

    Rob-bear~ I think Bear should offer a summer camp for adults to teach them how to enjoy summer as they did when they were children. But it would be unbearably difficult to leave such a place and return to "real" living.

    mythopolis~ From this and other things you have shared about your children when they were young I have a feeling you had an extremely happy family life, and they had happy childhoods.

  7. I think that this is incredibly clever!

  8. Eliot is so fascinating, and the older I get the more I appreciate her work, especially Middlemarch.

  9. Mama Zen~ I think you are incredibly kind! Thank you.

    Hattie~ I must admit that I have not read Middlemarch, but now it is on my list!


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