
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Mag 79 -- Are We There Yet?

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Yes..... Josie, Theodore, and Lizbeth... you have arrived at your destination! And we can see by your expressions that you are delighted.

Hey, kids, if you think the sign is dazzling you just wait until you go inside Magpie Tales and start reading from this week's fine menu. ENJOY!

(If you want to take a scenic detour before driving on to Magpie Tales, beautiful Walker Lake beckons at
Old Postcard Wednesday just below this post!)

Note: photo prompt via Tess Kincaid collection


  1. Oh yes happiness is a carfull of friends arriving where they want to be!

  2. Magpie Tales has never looked so good!

  3. nice work :)
    will read some of your older posts on this blog in details... :)

  4. izzy~ So true. This makes me want to take a road trip!

    Phivos~ Yes, follow the link and enjoy the great selection of tales!

    Helen~ Pretty snazzy, eh? (And, admittedly, a bit lazy of me this week to not write more of a Magpie!)

    Muhammad Israr~ Thank you for visiting, commenting, and following. I feel honored.

  5. Fireblossom~ Ack! Let's get out of here!


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