
Friday, September 2, 2011

Friday Flash 55 -- on the beach

Beach Couple by Michael Sprouse

"Smile, you lovebirds!"

They tried to smile for Lizzy, their proud flower girl more than a decade before this sizzler on the sand. Lizzy didn't know that their sun was setting. She thought they sparkled — framed there in aquamarine — but she saw through a filter. They were past picture perfect and now just a negative.

: : :

See the latest posts of weekly FF55s (works of fiction in 55 words)
at Mr. KnowItAll, the G-Man.



  1. Those were very deep n resonating words!

    hugs xo

  2. Nice picture and choice of words specially the last line:

    "They were past picture perfect and now just a negative."

    Happy friday ~

  3. Wow that is a humdinger of a picture!
    & Love what you wrote-thanks.

  4. Uh Oh....
    Divorce? Cancer? Gender Change?
    All kidding aside, your 55 was Most Excellent, and done perfectly I might add.
    Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End

  5. Wow! An intriguing photo and an amazing 55 words. Well done Lydia!

  6. I LOVE these! Every Friday I'm excited to see what you've written :)

  7. Well, I loved the writing, of course, being sentimental about the dear folk who preceded us. And the fading card....ooh, I have family photos of a by-gone era that seem to get more ghost-like each time I look at them, the emulsion of the photo slowly fading. Sometimes, I even have a panicky feeling that one day I will look and the image will have dissolved into the past and then all that will be left are my evaporating memories...oh, me!

  8. Ouch! Wonderful write. Thank you.

  9. Touching and true. But please, Lydia, where can I get a bathing suit like that?

  10. Olivia~ Thank you, first reader this week!

    Heaven~ Thanks for your comment and I hope your weekend goes well.

    izzy~ I love the art of Michael Sprouse. He is on my blogroll, too. Thanks for your visit.

    G-Man~ Well, of the three miseries you suggested I would opt for divorce. But such things could totally ruin a weekend! I hope yours is great.

    Rob-bear~ Thanks much. You can see more of Michael Sprouse' art either at the link under the photo or at his blog noted in my blogroll.

    Alice Audrey~ Including the layers of her clothes! Thanks.

    Amber Lee~ Oh, your comment brought me joy, most definitely. :)

    mythopolis~ Thanks for being here and then being in the old photo and then being .....?

    ds~ Thanks! Thanks very much!

    Monkey Man~ I appreciate your kind comments.

    Doctor FTSE~ Thank you. Because you asked about the bathing suit I did a bit of looking around and best I could come up with for you is an actual blog dedicated to beach pyjamas! La Mode Pyjama :)

  11. Great 55, all positive despite negative! LOL

  12. Hi Lydia.

    I love everything about this. Such an awesome photo, I love her pants.

    And the words paint a portrait of mysterious disappoinment. Beautiful.

    And your comment over on my yellow space shuttle post made my day. THANKS so much!

  13. ha. nice word play...ack on the degredation of a relationship though...tough on the kids...

  14. You have a real gift for writing a story in a snapshot of 55 words. Makes the picture look sad in retrospect.

  15. Combination of the vintage photo and the writing behind it stopped me. Powerful.

    Wishing you the best on another anniversary.

  16. And a beautiful blog it is too- my curiosity lead me there sharpish when I saw your link!
    The name 'Baggy trousers' hasn't half the glamour... :) LOL

  17. Cad~ Thank you for your clever comment!

    Jannie~ You couldn't imagine how many times your yellow space shuttle post has come into my mind since I saw it. I must show it to my husband, too.
    Thanks so much for your comments. I sure hope that Michael Sprouse makes his way over here to see how his art is appreciated in this post!

    Brian~ Thanks much. Ack on that for sure, and it's tough on pets even if there are no kids, and tough on hearts.

    Freda~ Bless your kind heart for telling me that!

    The Cello Strings~ Comment much appreciated. (Cello is my favorite instrument to listen to.)

    naomi dagen bloom~ You were strongly in my thoughts yesterday...and now a visit from you. Thanks for your thoughts and I will be by soon.

    Jinksy~ I believe you must be referring to the blog I linked in my comments to Doctor FTSE way above! I agree! It was such fun to come upon it and browse around. It is quite an amazing blog.

    Mama Zen~ I so appreciate your enthusiastic comment. Gives me energy for the day.

  18. Phivos~ Somehow I missed a reply to your comment.:( Oops and oops again. I love it when you visit here and appreciate your comments.

  19. I love the puns here. One of my daughter's vocab words for the week was "concise." You did this so well, a little bud, pearl, gem.

  20. twinkly sparkles~ Thank you so much for this special comment!


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