
Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday Flash 55 -- she did it her way

The bold girl was willing to shed caution for art.

Below the hilltop, he said, “Sit here, loosen your drape when the sun warms you. Then look down at the book and be still.”

Plucking a flower, she let the gauze drop from her shoulders. With her nipples and eyes toward the sun,
she posed. 
MLydiaM ~ September 2011

See the latest posts of weekly FF55s (works of fiction in 55 words)
at Mr. KnowItAll, the G-Man.
About painting:
The Open Book
J. Alden Weir
oil on canvas
Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of John Gellatly



  1. Awesome as always. The vivid spoken image with the picture as compliment.
    So delightful.

  2. She is brave! posing is not easy-

  3. I found this to be aesthetically erotic.....

  4. all for it...for the sake of art of course...smiles. def takes a little boldness...but hey you are eternally memorialized...nice 55.

  5. Ars Gratia Artis!!!
    Lydia, every week you capture the pure essence of what Friday Flash Fiction 55 is all about.
    Fantastic post and pic.
    I Loved your 55
    Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End

  6. Yes, she is bold. Bold enough for art and bold enough to seize her own freedom. Life takes courage which comes in many forms. I agree with Myth up there. I love this post!

  7. It's a good feeling--though I don't know if I'd want some artist staring at me while I enjoyed the sun--still, makes for a very cool pic, and equally so on the 55. Very nice, Lydia.

  8. Ah, a woman who was not afraid.
    I had no idea you lived in Oregon. We should meet sometimes.

  9. The resulting painting was perfect. It's a good thing that she did it her way.

  10. I'm all for art, but I could never be still that long!

  11. If only we were all so bold. As always, this is just fantastic. Thank you for sharing :)

  12. She did...and that, as they say, made all the difference. Wonderful write, Lydia! Thank you.

  13. maybe it's my predisposition, but i found this very evocative. loved it, lydia

  14. Rob-bear~ Thank you so much for another delightful comment. :)

    izzy~ You sound as if you say that from experience? I once sat for a chalk drawing of myself fully clothed and that is the extent of it for me.

    mythopolis~ 'Tis what I sort of thought, too. I had something else (sci-fi, if you can believe it) in mind, but this popped up instead.

    Brian~ Thank you, and don't you wonder who she was who was "eternally memorialized" in this lovely painting? Maybe there is background on the painting out there...I think she looks modern, short hair and all, for 1891.

    G-Man~ Many thanks for your kind words and good wishes for that kind of weekend. So far, no rain and things are looking promising! Hope you have a great one yourself.

    Stickup~ I love that you love it, you artist you! It makes me very happy to know that.

    hedgewitch~ Thank you so much. I agree with you about the sitting/sunning stuff. But she looks so damn bold and free that it almost makes me with I'd done something like that decades ago. :)

    rosaria~ Indeed, both your observation of the woman and of the potential for our meeting in the future!

    Monkey Man~ ...and almost meditative, yes?

    Darlene~ I love your spirit and want to be like you when I'm 86!

    Mama Zen~ Hah! When I read that I pictured how busy you are with your daughter and I thought No wonder!

    ds~ Ooh, I love the way your first sentence seems to be a tagline to finish the piece.
    Thanks much!

    kj~ You are such a riot! I'm glad you loved it. Perhaps Emily Rabbit would like to have a print of the painting in her room? I believe they were available at the site, but I didn't keep the link. :(

  15. More erotic than much deliberately erotic writing.

  16. love this.

    very well penned, the description is superb.

  17. Doctor FTSE~ I'm speechless, except to say thank you.

    Morning~ Thrilled. Thank you so much. :)

  18. Steve Isaak~ I so appreciate you saying that.

  19. ...and men walk around bare chested all the time. I bet it feels WONDERFUL with the air on one's body. One of these days I'll do it... let's juts hope it's before I'm 92. LOL

  20. Oh, Margaret! You are a riot. :)
    I agree with you that it must feel wonderful. Best way to try it would be on an island where it is commonplace for women to be at the beach without tops!


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