
Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday Flash 55 -- Occupy: to engage the attention or energies of; to take or hold possession or control of

Frozen Glass Apples by Chris Rojas

Freezing assets in The Big Apple,
          Pawning jewelry in The Emerald City —
Arizona's Urban Heart attack critical.

Blown the wad in The Windy City,
          Venice of America drowning in debt —
The Magic City just not feelin' it.

Jobs wilted in The Rose City,
          Home of the Blues been foreclosed —
La-La Land has lost its tune.
                                                MLydiaM ~ October 2011

See the latest posts of weekly FF55s (works of fiction in 55 words)
 at Mr. KnowItAll, the G-Man.
(Granted, my offering today is more fact than fiction!)

City nicknames are from this list. Those mentioned above are (in order):
New York City, NY
Seattle, WA
Phoenix, AZ
Chicago, IL
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Miami, FL
Portland, OR
Memphis, TN
Los Angeles, CA

These cities are among the many around the country (and the world) already involved in the  
Occupy Together movement, in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street. More are joining daily.
For information about Occupy Together Meetup dates/times in your area click HERE.



  1. 55 words of delightful observations! LaLa land her we come...

  2. I'm glad you listed the cities - as a merely Limey I was struggling with one or two! Very clever poem and I like the ending.

  3. La-la, love it! Very clever and informative thanks!

  4. while the rich keep getting richer and charging us to use our own money...smiles.

  5. Well said and a sad state of affairs- but you can't wonder at the anger after all people have put up with for the last ten years--thanks for speaking out and for the information as well as a very appropriate 55.

  6. I live in Westland, which we sometimes jokingly refer to as "Wasteland" - it's right next to "Garbage City" (Garden City).

  7. Lydia...
    I'm always very excited to visit your 55's.
    Your creativity simply amazes me.
    You are One Classy Chick!
    Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End

  8. timely! and so good, thank you!

  9. WOW
    This was unexpected... but that charm remains- anyway

  10. Another Amazing 55. You never cease to amaze.

    Thanks for all the information on the Occupy Movement. There will likely be several hundred taking part in Saskatoon. Some in Prince Albert, and . . . and. . . .

    Lots of activity.

  11. Jinksy~ Thanks! La-la, ta!

    mylittlewordz~ Thanks, Jamie. I wonder, do cities the world over have nicknames? I know the biggies: The City of Lights, The Eternal City, etc. but I wonder about the little towns. It seems nearly every city in the U.S. has a nickname.

    izzy~ Always pleased to inform and entertain. :)

    Brian~ Isn't that the truth? ...frowns...

    hedgewitch~ I'm glad you thought it appropriate. At the very least, it is timely. These groups of people are just the tip of the iceberg, I think. We live in interesting times.

    anthonynorth~ Glad you think so.

    Bubba~ Oh, so there are some of those silly-sounding takeoffs for silly-sounding nicknames!

    G-Man~ I think I must save your comment in an Affirmations File (nonexistent at the present) for when I am feeling down about myself or my muse. Your comment made my whole day! Thank you so much.

    Amber Lee~ I thank you. These are interesting times, most definitely. :)

    Dulce~ Unexpected, eh? I am glad not negatively so, from the rest of your comment. :) :)

    Fireblossom~ As am I, and hoping for the best. It could be a very interesting fall and winter.

    Mama Zen~ Thank you, clever Mama. :)

    Rob-bear~ I appreciate your comments...and your own post about the Occupy movement (very thoughtful piece).

  12. Looks like we're all feeling the pinch.

  13. love your blog,

    come join our poetry picnic week 9 today,
    first time participants can share 1 to 3 random poems.

    Old poems or poems unrelated to our theme are welcome.

    Hope to see you in.


  14. Would have got here sooner but, alas, those lawns don't mow themselves....

    Nicknames did indeed abound this Friday, Aidyl.... :)


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