
Friday, December 23, 2011

Friday Flash 55 -- Bon Appétit from Auntie Gwen

Dad's aunt Gwen, a legally-blind recluse who rarely left her room at the nursing home, was coming for Christmas dinner, likely her last holiday.
Dad escorted Gwen inside, giving us the look as she handed a basket to mom.

"These are goodies I saved from the Center. They're all made from scratch.* No ghastly preservatives!"

Links to more of this week's FF55s (works of fiction in 55 words)
are at Mr. KnowItAll, the G-Man.

*FROM SCRATCH (adverb)
Meaning: From the beginning
Context example: he baked the torte from scratch

Image: Five Moldy Things by funkwood via FREAKING NEWS



  1. I hope nobody got sick ~

    Wishing you and your family Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays ~

  2. Oh my goodness- that is strange...
    although you would think she would have sneezed a good deal!

  3. good thing she is blind as you can pretend to eat it and she will never know...ewwww......

  4. Heaven~ No kidding! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and yours!

    izzy~ You would think!

    mythopolis~ What a "You" kind of reaction. Very dear.

    Brian~ Well, aren't you the logical one?! I was wondering how they were going to finesse it......duh!!!

  5. Mmmmmmm
    Lydia, you are such a good sport and player.
    I loved your 55!
    Thanks for the smile, and have a Kick Ass Holiday

  6. Oh Dear! Enjoy each other. Merry Christmas.

  7. G-Man~ Moldilicious is a new word...a yucky one, but brand new for this holiday! Thanks and have a great weekend.

    rosaria~ Pretty disgusting, eh? I'd better find a nicer image for people to see on Christmas! Hope yours is Merry.


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