
Monday, December 12, 2011

Mag 95 -- hitting bottom

In the wake of what had long ago become obvious to his family and friends,
Harold admitted that he had 
"hit bottom." 
He was ready to accept help. 
Though it would not be an easy journey, 
calmer waters were ahead provided he 
follow his inner compass 
stay the course.

                                                                MLydiaM ~ December 2011

Visit Magpie Tales to read other Mag 95s 
inspired by the photo prompt above (image by Mostafa Habibia).

For help click HERE (Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator).



  1. Reaching out for help always the first step ...

  2. Been there, done that, as you know. Good luck, Harold!

  3. sometimes it is that 'finally admitting' that is the hardest threshold to cross...

  4. Maybe there's something wrong with me, but I took this not as a heavy poem, but rather lightly. I laughed a little, I think, because he is so far below "bottom" that he's buried! I'm sorry, I had to share my initial reaction even if it's "wrong." This is how the first lines struck me.

    I think yours is a beautiful response to the picture.

    I've been out of the loop and hope to catch up on your recent posts. I think I'm buried under!

    Thanks, Lydia!

  5. oh harold! are you in the program?!
    welcome to living authentically!


  6. The words and the picture fit perfectly ... you can feel it.

  7. Helen~ So true. It is why I am suspicious of the long-term effectiveness of interventions...

    Fireblossom~ As have I, as you know. Yes, good luck to all the Harolds out there, especially during the demands of the holidays.

    Sheila~ Thank you so much!

    Brian~ A fascinating process to observed from a detached distance, gut-wrenching for those actually involved. :)

    twinkly sparkles~ How interesting your reaction, and thank you for letting me know what it was. It gives a different perspective on the interpretation of how far down "hitting bottom" goes, and it is something I have thought about myself. Personally, I think a "functioning alcoholic" is living a kind of hell that, for that person, may be as rock-bottom as one in skid row.
    No panic to read back here, as I well understand that sense of being buried right now. I'm just glad for this visit. :)

    kj~ Yup, looks like that boat is going to take him to the program where he can anchor himself in a place of health and sanity. :)

    Deborah~ You are so kind to tell me that. Thank you. :)

  8. Interesting, unusual - and positive - take on the prompt.

  9. Another great response Lydia! I think we must have been thinking along similair lines ... it is such a sad lonely picture.

  10. Yes indeed, great point...
    There are degrees within degrees!
    -10* (since there is no tiny zero)then we have to look at facts- no other options! Not that I advocate taking denial that far :)

  11. Issues around this topic are cropping up here and there on some other blogs I visit too. The holidays can be so tough because societal expectations don't always match personal reality. That picture is extremely haunting.

    PS: Yes, the U2 song lifted words written as song lyrics by the fictional character Ormus Cama in "The Ground Beneath Her Feet" by Rushdie.

  12. Shall I see you in Heaven, girl, where we'll have a BIG-ol, kick-ass, party-hardy for maaany eons celebrating our resurrection, fulla nekk'n and luuuv'n, drink'n and dancing, magical, hypnotic, renegade, exceeding-the-rules and maaany other, magnificent, wonderFULL things ...?? I hope so, miss gorgeous --- Need proof on the Heavenly luxury? Radioacti-V, super-sonic-4D, exceed’n-the-limits? Just lookit my profile; lookit ‘MySoulAccomplishment’. God blessa youse -Fr. Sarducci, ol SNL

  13. Berowne~ Thank you for reading it!

    jane.~ Am anxious to see what you wrote. So behind....

    Stickup~ I'm not in the slightest surprised that these issues are popping up out there. The holidays are tough for many in the best of years. And this year does not qualify as a best year!
    Thanks much for qualifying the U2 lyrics info. So interesting.

    Kold~ I am sort of speechless over your comment. Thank you for being here, and cheers!

  14. Funny you took this spin on that picture...Almost the same one I chose, but I felt he had more river to row

  15. Tess~ Oh! Your comment slipped by without my noticing. Thanks, and yes he was wise.

    He ment well (sometimes did)~ If you look at comments above you will note that jane.healy also went along that track. Haven't read yours yet but will click over.


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