
Monday, January 2, 2012

2012: a poem

BlueFaceGirl by Joan de Bot


Yet ether coming into form,
skin turning from cosmic blue to
something golden as filtered rays
pierce the newness of you,
changing you
in the hissing crack of dawn.

Damp layers of your forming
foaming, then laying down cell
upon cell, as foam puzzles and
teases out the face
the world will see, with
an ear like a conch to hear
terrorist chatter as well as
the music of the spheres, with
a small blue eye that is seed-like
because you see in many ways,
with that mane of locks
tied by blue ribbons resembling
snakes from a galaxy you knew.

The rest of you still becoming
underneath an array of colors
you gathered at midnight and
held fast because they
made you giggle. 
You want to remember
that simple joy later--
when your heart beats
for the longing masses,
when your core hardens
around the soft center of
hope that welcomed you.

When you have finally shed
your swirling cloak of colors
will we see more armor?--
Or is that claw you clutch
with your delicate hand
not armour, but a weapon? --
Or not a weapon, but what
you want to fall upon
to save us from ourselves?

                           MLydiaM ~ January 2012



  1. Truly beautiful writing Lydia, always a pleasure to get here...

    Sometimes I wonder if we should not all fall down at once on our respective claws, and leave this planet for the beasts and birds and bees... for we humans clearly do not have a clue...

    Be well Lydia, wishing you all that is good in this new year, especially an abundance of inspiration to continue with your fascinating poems...

  2. sobering start to the new year...what is it you clutch...i dunno perhaps the mayans will do us a favor here in a couple months and hit the restart button...smiles...really well written lydia...i hope the new year treats you well...

  3. I'm very impressed with how well you have seen this painting. The artist would be justly pleased with your poem.

  4. Beautiful, Lydia. What a way to give birth to a new year.
    Wishing you all the best...

  5. Ooh....thiw one is particularly brilliant!!

  6. I meant THIS one is particularly brilliant....something about the public persona and the interior self....

  7. oh do i like this, lydia! i went back to the painting twice, to jell your words with the form and color. i love how you write about the colors. you make them move as does the painting.

    is she pregnant? i think maybe...

    'when your core hardens
    around the soft center of
    hope that welcomed you'

    wow! how beautifully expressed. as for my own core, it doesn't want to harden. i resist it. in the end i don't know if that leaves me more or less prepared, but i;m at peace with my decision...


  8. I absolutely love this poem you wrote for the new year Lydia. It is so well "blended" in such an essence, the way it speaks of the "Hard" and the "soft" together and I also can relate to the words...a lot!

    Today I bought myself my first notebook "artjourney" sketch pad, in many moons..and some good quality pencils. Now that my Dr. finally got Medicaid to agree to send me to an eye specialist, because of eye problems I am having (they won't allow you to just go and get an eye exam "ever" (it has to be for medical reasons)so glad she did that for me. The 3 different Dr. specialist did a great job and so I have some floaters and cataracts in both eyes (I had no idea about the cataracts!)and so that made it "okay" for the eye Dr. to give me a real prescription for "close up" glasses fit just for me! I had been buying dollar store glasses for years and so could not see well to try to draw anymore, but now with my new "real" glasses made just for my eyes, I took your advice and got a sketch pad and pencils today. I've never really been a painter,I love to use pencil and do fine line portraits.

    So thank you so much for caring enough and for your inspiration to inspire me to try to take some time (when I can) to draw some. It's been a long long time now. wish me luck!

    And thank you for this fantastic are an excellent writer..this one you wrote is just incredible.

    Happy New Year!..and Lydia thank you again for your concern and meant a lot to me.

    The year of the Dragon is on its way towards the end of January sometime..hope instead of the dragon blowing out fire out of it's mouth, it will blow out a lot of gusting air to put out all the fires in this world, from the last "historical" year of 2011!

    United we stand divided we fall.

    Come together all of my wish.

    Love and Blessings to all,



  9. Owen~ The New Year comment and wishes from you are meaningful and so appreciated. Must say that I have thought the same thoughts as you expressed in your second paragraph, just not as eloquently. We have a lot to look forward to in this world if we can get it together. :)
    My wishes for your year are peace and plenty in just the right portions.

    Brian~ I hope the new year treats you well, also! Thank you for treating all of us out here so well, truly. You support us in such fine ways.

    susan~ Wow, coming from such a fantastic artist as yourself, I am so honored by your comment. :)

    ds~ Thanks for your interesting comment! I send all good wishes for your new year.

    mythopolis~ Thank you so much! Also, as one who was mismatched in secretarial work in my early working life, take it from me: I am fond of typos!

    kj~ I wouldn't in a million years think that your core would want to harden. That is the opposite of your reaction to life, seems to me! And I hope that the core of hope around this new year's beginning will also not harden.
    Thank you for your kind comments about the poem.

    Rhi~ Reading about your "real" glasses (that you certainly need and deserve) that led to your nice little shopping expedition just made my day! I am so happy that your doc advocated on your behalf so you had the right medical care. In my most recent eye exam they found cataracts, also, and are recommending lens implants in the future. I'm not so bothered by them right now, and my glasses are doing the trick, so I will push surgery into the future. My eye doc said that "everyone" over 50 gets cataracts to some degree or another (that was news to me).
    Anyway, the best news is that you will be creating some of your marvelous drawings again. You are gifted and I'm sure beauty will spring forth. So proud of you for taking care of you!

  10. This is a beautiful write from the image. You tease out the artist's vision admirably. The final stanza is a knockout. Love that particularly.

  11. Lydia, this is an exceptional piece of writing. Poems must be read aloud to really know their brilliance. This one is dazzling.

    I hope 2012 brings you joy and happiness.

  12. Beautiful. As always.

    Happy new year, friend.

  13. lindo é sempre um prazer visitar seu blog

  14. Dave King~ A, thank you so much! Really appreciate your comment.

    Dee Newman~ I am honored by your comment and must thank you for the reminder to read it aloud. I had not done that until reading your comment. All best in this new year to you.

    Kim~ Ah, friend, a Happy New Year to you, too. I hope it will be one of the best years of your life. Thanks for the comment.

  15. Milton~ Thank you. I am an admirer of your blog. Obrigado. Eu sou um admirador do seu blog. Happy New Year!

  16. Thanks for the beautiful poem Lydia, Happy 2012.

  17. Carlos~ I am so happy to have a comment and greeting from you! Happy 2012. :)


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