
Friday, January 6, 2012

Friday Flash 55 -- Parker

big city cowboy by  ATMAN  VICTOR

Marci didn’t understand the forces that charged her life or the powers that had held her mute and still just long enough for Parker to overwhelm her. He was different. Not even her type. A native Texan who valued such things as alligator-skin cowboy boots and prime meat. He placed women in the latter category.

- excerpt from my unpublished, unread, unloved short story titled: What Killed the Cat

Links to more of this week's FF55s (works of fiction in 55 words)
are at Mr. KnowItAll, the G-Man.



  1. Have you ever posted the whole story? I would like to read it!

  2. ahan... you do fiction too? did not know it...i was thinking you are writing about the picture.. :)

  3. mythopolis~ No, this is the first bit I have shared. I thought about you while I was working on the post, the way you (and Pixies, too) have shared your stories. I will think about this, giving consideration to another page tab at the top here where I could store it instead of doing installments in posts... ??

    Muhammad Israr~ It is the only short story I have written. Doing these Flash Fiction 55 pieces each Friday has been so fulfilling that the story returned to my mind and I pulled it out of its hiding drawer to find the excerpt for this week. (Finding the right image for it was a whole other endeavor! It probably took me an hour of perusing various sites/images! -- but I found just the right one. :)

  4. nice...i def want to read the whole story...def sounds of some intersting characters...

  5. Just like a cats victim- mesmerized & frozen for a second too long!

  6. Interesting post some more when you can ~

    Happy weekend ~

  7. Do tell more. Great new look, too!

  8. Those "prime meat" types always turned me off.

    - Alice

  9. They say attitude is everything, but you need something to back it up. Easy to be overwhelmed by a Texan, though. Not always in a good way. I'd love to read the whole story.

  10. If ever there was a good teaser for the rest of the story, this is it. :)

  11. Uh Uh Uhhh....
    Don't say unloved.
    I Love it Already!!!
    Lydia Dear, EVERY week you follow the prompt PERFECTLY!!
    I just find your writing very intriguing.
    Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End

  12. Yes, I would be interested in reading the rest myself...

  13. Brian~ Really? You do? Thank you for the encouraging comments!

    izzy~ What a fun comment; thank you!

    Heaven~ Thanks; I may do that. :)

    ds~ Aw, thank you for noticing the new look. It feels good to lighten things up a bit. :)

    Alice Audrey~ Yup.

    hedgewitch~ How did you do that, just jump right into the plot like that? You're great, hedge.

    hope~ Really? Well, that is just very encouraging. Thanks.

    G-Man~ Really? Wow, your comment is really encouraging, too!
    Great weekend to you.

    Raven~ How kind of you to say that...thank you!

    Mama Zen~ Really? I'm giving it serious consideration. :)

  14. The hint given in these few lines speaks of a most intriguing story.

  15. I hope not unread for long. And if these few sentences are an indication of the rest, not unloved for long either if you decide to post it! Thanks for telling me about the Alvord Desert. I did not know Oregon had a desert, and from what I've seen from your pictures you linked me to, it's mighty impressive! Hope the New Year is treating you well and bring you much joy and good times...

  16. susan~ Why, thank you so much. :)
    Did I wish you Happy New Year yet? Done!

    Stickup~ What a kind thing for you to say. I just need to get the story into the computer before I decide next step.
    The Alvord is spectacular. Having not been to your deserts there, my guess is that the Alvord may be a smaller area...but I'm not sure of that. It's where my heart dwells.
    Best New Year Wishes to you, too!

  17. Why you think it's unloved? Based on this short excerpt it sounds like a very rewarding read.

  18. Doctor FTSE~ Not sure of that, but I sure appreciate your comment. :)

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  20. Harry~ Many thanks for visiting my blog and for such a heartening comment. :)


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