
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Combo: Mag 102 and Friday Flash 55

Bre’s eighth birthday bash was smashing:
Crepe streamers waved and twirled high above
A festive array of bright hats and marbled party blowers.

Giant beach ball Pinata was hit and came crashing.
Young girls sang loudly with Bre’s karaoke gift.
Bieber surprised her on Skype!

…While dad and brother were a-bout foils in the backyard.

                                                                    MLydiaM ~ February 2012

I first read about the poetry form called Sevenling* in a post last month by Grace at everyday amazing and have been anxious to try it.

The image above, Red Spot II, by Wallisy Kandinsky, is the prompt at Magpie Tales this week. I am also linking this for Flash Fiction 55.

*Poetry form:  Sevenling - a poetry form of 7 lines.  The first three lines should contain an element of three - three connected or contrasting statements, or a list of three details, names or possibilities. This can take up all of the three lines or be contained anywhere within them. Then, lines four to six should similarly contain an element of three, connected directly or indirectly or not at all. The seventh line should act as a narrative summary or punchline or as an unusual juxtaposition.



  1. The 'sevenling' captures the picture perfectly, wonderfully done! :o)

  2. I think Kandinsky was at the party? Excellent seven-liner. (You know what G-Man will say!)

  3. smiles...bre from Xfactor? ha....def an interesting form, nice turn in the last line...

  4. Wow- and yes streamers! good job!!
    I like your combo- and form-
    does foil-mean food wrap or fencing!?

  5. Lydia...
    Most excellent job on ALL writing prompts.
    That pic looks so Picassoesque.
    Loved your 55 My Friend
    Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Deborah~ Thanks. I am really behind in reading other Mags so am anxious to see how others interpreted the painting.

    Doctor FTSE~ Kandinsky would probably turn a funeral into a party. Well, maybe not...but his art sure is alive!

    Brian Miller~ Hah, I have not seen X-factor so don't know if the Bre there is a judge or contestant. Just love the name.

    Note: Poem needs some explanation:

    izzy~ Thanks. Foil and a-bout refer to fencing. I see two fencing foils there in the darkened upper left of the painting!

    G-Man~ Your comment will send me to look to see if Kandinsky's bio mentions being influenced by Picasso (or vice versa, as I don't know who preceded who to this party we call life!).

  8. manohman, do i love having poets and word lovers in my life!

    thanks, lydia. it's a good party :^)


  9. Delightful, as always, Lydia.

    About that sevenling bit. When it takes more space to describe a poetic form that to write a poem, I become skeptical. And I really don't understand the process. A bit tricky for an old Bear.

    I think I'll stick to haiku. Simple and sensible. Or sensibly simple.

  10. kj~ Glad you came to the party. Have you stopped by dVerse Poets Pub yet (you promised you would in the new year)? x

    Rob-bear~ Personally, I did not find the Sevenling an easy form. Bear could handle any trick, I am sure, but you sure made me laugh about the space to describe..., etc.! Actually, I took that straight from Grace's post (linked in my post), but at the time I first read hers I visited a website about Sevenlings and would you believe, there are a few more rules?!

  11. I am with bear on this one...I think I will stick to my fun free form...until I get a wild hair up my ___
    I liked your combo...I had a different spin


    mag 102

  12. I see Joan Miro and Paul Klee as influences- of course Picasso too.
    - My hair isn't as thick or curly as it used to be; It is fine enough to snarl up a storm, though!

  13. i think the girl, she was a singer that got voted off before her time...i think that was her name...anyway she had a huge crush on bieber so they had him there for the reunion of the finale and they sang together...what interesting irony...

    happy saturday lydia...

  14. Nice that you tried this form, and such a creative fun on the picture. I can imagine the pinata falling and the excitement of Bieber calling on Skype ~

    Happy Saturday to you ~


  15. I've tried to do this form a couple of times because I really enjoy working with the short ones--they make you say what you mean and think about what you say--but have not been successful so far. Loved this one, Lydia--you get the festive, and also the individualist, feel of the painting very well.

  16. This is lovely fun, and a most interesting form. Thank you.

  17. nice to learn new poetry forms, this was terrific, enjoyed your take of the prompt and what you saw in the art

  18. I see it now.. a birthday party! This is the first Magpie I didn't do in like, forever. Just drew a blank! You did very well!

  19. how you get from kandinsky to justin bieber...really cool and well done

  20. Wander~ Thanks for stopping by. I enjoyed both of the posts you linked. :)

    izzy~ Yes on Paul Klee. You are teaching me about Miro, as I will Google for info. Thank you.
    My hair is fine, but the gray hairs have more body which is one reason I do not mind them. :)

    Brian Miller~ I really was clueless about Bre and Bieber. This is almost spooky to me. What interesting irony, indeed! Whodathunkit? (as my mother would have asked)

    Heaven~ Mine was piss-poor compared to your Sevenling. I was happy to learn about the form via your blog and it was interesting giving it a try.
    Happy Sunday to you (I got here late).

    hedgewitch~ Thank you. You are too kind. I really am not pleased with this at all and almost didn't post it but what the heck, right? When you do one it will be amazing, I am sure of that.

    ds~ Thanks. Did you have birthday parties when you were a kid? I remember only one and I was really shy about coming into the room with all those people there. What a weird little girl I must have been!

    Christine~ I appreciate your comments. I was not all that pleased with my Sevenling, so the encouragement is nice. The prompt was a great one, though.

    Margaret~ Thanks much. I enjoy your Magpies lots, and everyone of us is entitled to a few blanks on a few of the prompts! I certainly have drawn more blanks than one, and it is always frustrating and a bit depressing when it happens. ;)

    Claudia~ How in the heck did Justin Bieber creep into my stuff? How strange the mind can be at times!

  21. Always learning something new here! I shall try a Sevenling one of these days.
    As per tuning the violin, there is a contraption/tuner you buy at a music store that will help you. Plus, let the music store expert show how to do it, and soon you'll be tuning it yourself. Check your area's fiddlers association for lessons, jamming sessions, etc. Oregon Old Time Fiddlers has many auxiliary groups all over the place. We went to Grants Pass yesterday to hear their group play. The place was packed. More than thirty musicians stepped on and off the stage, to play together or just to support each other.

    Check with your local music store for other opportunities to join, to learn, to get yourself involved.

    Thanks for the visit. Much appreciated.

  22. "Sevening," how interesting. I enjoyed your poem, although it made me feel old in that such images are so far removed from my life.

  23. Snowbrush~ Sounds like someone should throw you a surprise birthday party this year!

  24. rosaria~ Just discovered your comment. Geez, I'm sorry I did not see it earlier. Thank you for the ideas and for the general kick in the pants. Silverton does not have a music store, but Salem does. Also, I have thought about contacting the woman who was one-half of the team that conducted the workshop I went to. I am impressed with your commitment and look forward to reading more posts about your fiddling!


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