
Thursday, February 16, 2012

I am behind visiting your blog because.....

Valentine's Day was a very good one at our house this year. It was our 18th one together, which seems amazing to me because I never thought I would be with anyone this long. It is not easy, but what blazing adventure ever is easy? I don't have the art of relationship or marriage figured out at all. But I do know this. It is important to pause and pay attention to the soul living with you, to recognize how your partner is changing, to listen, and to laugh together. This week while my husband has some vacation time we are attending to the closeness between us, a shared space of the heart.



  1. Prettiest "Do Not Disturb" sign I've ever seen...:>)

  2. Cool beans! I love the photographs. :-)

  3. Butterflies ... I love them too. I visit so many blogs without leaving messages ... wanted you to know I enjoy yours!

  4. You make a very attractive couple and I'm delighted to know you're off spending time together. The flowers are magnificent.

  5. Great picture of the two of you, with your two "kids."

    I hope you have a delicious, delightful time together.

    We'll see you when you "re-surface."

  6. distracted~ Aw, that is such a darling comment!

    Fireblossom~ Thanks. It felt right to share.

    Helen~ Fellow butterfly-lover, your comment delighted me.

    susan~ Thanks much. This time is good for us. Surprisingly, kitty Willow, who usually bites flower petals, has left the roses alone. The story of her biting my hand last Saturday, sending me to the ER for treatment of a hematoma, shall remain a tale for another time!

    Rob-bear~ Many thanks. I came here late tonight to reply to comments and thought I might do a Flash 55, but my brain isn't in gear for that so I'm going to sleep!

  7. Sleep is good. Sometimes I do a lot of it. And in the winter, I even hibernate (or at least try to).

  8. Enjoy and enfold and embrace all these breaths you draw together--its what makes life worth living, and gives our hearts their songs. I also absolutely love the pics--the roses are so vibrant and strongly beautiful, and somehow go perfectly with the more delicate butterflies.

  9. Enjoy celebrating this amazing beautiful connection, between two shared souls sweet friend. (Hugs)Indigo

  10. i hope the earth moves and often :^)

    happy happy for you, lydia ♥


  11. Congratulations on happy coupledom. Thanks for sharing your images of pleasure. All that matters in the long and short run is that there's a mesh between two people on the idea of relationship--in my humble opinion.

  12. Rob-bear~ Yes, and I do hope that you get more good sleeping days of winter...

    hedgewitch~ Your comment was nearly as gorgeous as the roses. :)

    Indigo~ Shall do... xo

    kj~ hmmm... earthquake at Writerquake?!

    Tabitha~ omg, it's been ages! Great to see you and I must drop by soon.

    naomi~ Thank you. How utterly profound and extremely validating your "All that matters" statement is.

  13. Filling up your happy cup. Time well spent!

  14. English Rider~ Thank you for your sweet comment!

  15. Wise words Lydia, and a beautifully happy photo of you both ... I mean you three ... how could I not include that gorgeous furry bundle in your arms :o)

  16. take care of you and yours first

    come by when you can

    y'all be welcome, y'hear :)

  17. Enjoy the nest 18 years together for I feel sure you have all the right ingredients to make it happen.

    I love your doggy.

  18. Deborah~ That gloriously furry bundle is Abby, our Old English Sheepdog. My husband's left hand is atop Bonbon's head. She is a chocolate Standard Poodle who simply blends away in so many of our photos!

    Pixies~ Thanks so much. :) Michael returns to work on Tuesday and I guess I won't post until OPW, which ought to get me back into the swing of things

    Darlene~ It is so good to hear from you, as I have been thinking of you! I really appreciate your comment. And I will give Abby a big hug from you (she is so cuddly and I love her so much)!

  19. Good for you! Keep your eyes on the ball. I am realizing I can't keep up with all the blogs I'd love to keep up with. It used to be Facebook, now it's this. At least I can pop in and catch up a little bit.

    It is humbling because I know even my good readers can't keep up with me either. Who do I blog for? Ultimately, I know it is for myself.

    Happy 18 years!

  20. twinkly~ Your comment says so much. I feel the same way about not being able to keep up with the blogs/bloggers I love, and appreciate your soulful yet sensible thoughts on the issue. For today, a visit from you was just right and I thank you!

  21. such red! such fiery, gorgeous roses and tulips... and a butterfly! and two huge, lovely dogs... above all, your wonderful smiles, which say everything, so much openness and intimacy and joy of life...
    (i had just typed 'love' instead of 'life', i shouldn't have corrected that! :-)

  22. Roxana~ For you to so fully feel and enjoy these scenes made me truly happy. Thank you!


BEGINNING IN 2014 I will reply to only occasional comments here, while appreciating every visit and all comments! My reason is to enable me to utilize that time to read and comment on your blog posts instead! If/when I get more organized I may later return to replying to comments here, but one of my New Years resolutions is to spend more time at your sites: reading, enjoying, learning! Thank you for understanding.

If your blog is associated with a Google+ account, I may not be able to visit you from your namelink. I do not wish to join Google+ and the site sometimes requires that I do so in order to read/comment on posts there.