
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Old Postcard Wednesday--Feb. 29, 1944 (Leap Day) • Shasta County, Calif.

Happy Leap Day, Everyone!
 photo by Scott Rouse

photo by Masashi Mochida, The Telegraph

photo Bing Images

from gwenrottle blog

photo by Kyle Tunney



  1. hey lydia - hope that you are coping well x thinking of you and yours x

    Rossini's birthday falls on leap year according to google, so he's only 59 instead of 200+

    Today also marks the day that my friend who has been keeping me sane at work left - which means that although we hope to keep in touch there is no hope for my sanity now

  2. cute post :) hope all is well! much love!

  3. It looks like a lot of "up in the air" characters are celebrating today. Hope you've had a good one, too.

    Blessings and Bear hugs!

  4. Pixies~ Thanks, and I am coping alright. Losing Abby has been hard but each day is better.
    Aha, Rossini was a "leapling"! I found that term when working on the post.
    So so sorry about your work friend leaving. Believe me, I know how a good person can keep you sane at work, so you will really miss him. I do think you will not lose your sanity, however. :)

    Amber Lee~ February was an intense month here, and I'm kinda happy to welcome March. It was so good having a greeting from you and I'll see ya soon. Love to you, too.

    Rob-bear~ It was a pretty good Leap Day, in part I think because these photos cheered me. Thanks for your happy wishes--much appreciated.

  5. ha i love your leap pictures...

    and now MARCH! may you have a bit more SPRING in your

  6. Brian~ Okay! I would rather have spring in my step than March in step.... :)


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