
Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday Flash 55 -- Walt and Anna

CNN photo

So it has come to this...thought Anna, as Walt amused himself on his smart phone. She reflected beside the reflecting pool on how the years had separated them. 

Walt smiled delightedly as he confirmed their Netherlands vacation with Expedia. Soon, he would surprise Anna with her dream trip to the land of her ancestors.

Links to more weekly FF55s (works of fiction in 55 words)
are at Mr. KnowItAll, the G-Man. 



  1. oh I hope she finds out about the trip before she gives up on him

    I smiled at this


  2. I like this....yes, give her the big surprise ~

    Happy Friday ~

  3. that will be some surprise and she will see how much he loves her too...smiles.

    he did survive last night...actually wrote my spoken word piece on the experience...long night though...

  4. That is an AWWWWW-
    good one and so very true!
    thanks :)

  5. It's OK as long as she didn't come from Mars!
    Loved your 55 Lydia
    Always a very interesting 'Story'
    Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End

  6. How sweet. Lucky Anna. She'll have a great surprise.

  7. Going on vacation? I'm probably reading it wrong, because I'm seeing vacation everywhere right now.

  8. oh, cute! it reminds me of my grandparents (who are celebrating their 50th anniversary this summer!)

  9. This was so tender and poignant. Strong connections are like that. (Hugs)Indigo

  10. Dianne~ I really appreciated that you smiled at this!

    Brian~ Am heading over to read your Poetics in a little bit. I'm sure the experience served as a powerful muse.

    izzy~ Thanks. A lesson in not jumping to conclusions!

    G-Man~ Nope, she looks every bit the earthling to me.
    It was good to be back this week!

    Myrna~ Yup, what a surprise...although I personally would rather be in on the planning of such a vacation!

    Alice Audrey~ Oh. I. Wish. No vacation happening here, but dreaming is a bit of a getaway. (Lately I have been thankful that I wasn't on a cruise, however!!!)

    Amber Lee~ That is just wonderful about your grandparents! They are great role models for you and your husband. ;)

    Indigo~ Thanks and I'm glad you liked this one. I appreciate your visits. :)

  11. This spoke volumes to me - very cleverly written

  12. jane~ Thanks for your marvelous comment. :)


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