A Copious Season by Starla Halfmann
I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way--things I had
no words for.
--Georgia O'Keeffe
Oh, if I could only paint....because I have total writer's block and have no words for the way I'm feeling. It is times like these that I spend hours looking at art. This piece is my favorite from my overnight online expedition.
That's awesome, Lydia. I wish I could paint, too!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful Picture, hope everything is going ok :)
ReplyDeleteGeorgia O'Keefe is one of my heroes, Lydia, I love that quote--and your chosen painting's title is as amazing as that particular image. I hate being blocked--though I've come to see it as more of a being bored in the doctor's waiting room type of thing, a necessary corollary of being a writer rather than a defining state in itself. Also, after each stymied period, the poems that break the dam seem more precious and even sometimes more amazingly numerous and alive, so hang in there. I think your strategy regarding the visual arts is a great one.
ReplyDeleteGlorious painting. Thanks so much for sharing it. O'Keeffe is one of my idols, and the quote is perfect. I think Hedgewitch is right about being blocked. Hang in there!
ReplyDeleteAnd yet you express yourself quite clearly:)
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful picture. Here is a quote Tess Kincaid shared once. Even if it's not helpful, at least you know you aren't alone in that block!
ReplyDelete“When I cannot write a poem, I bake biscuits and feel just as pleased.” Anne Morrow Lindberg
I like your fantastic web site, I was searching for this all over.
ReplyDeletebest regards,
Rob-bear~ It really is an awesome painting! Thanks for being here, Bear.
ReplyDeleteFrosty Duncan~ Isn't it a wonderful painting? If you click on the link to view the artist's gallery. I am sooooo impressed with her work.
All is pretty ok here. Hope the same or better with you!
hedgewitch~ You are such an amazing person. Not only are you this Gifted poet but you are a validator/mentor/encourager for me and so many others. Thank you for the extra time you take to leave such meaningful comments. Much appreciated, most definitely! (I am not surprised that O'Keeffe is a hero of yours; she was a strong original like you!)
ds~ I am not surprised that O'Keeffe is one of your idols, either! I certainly am in awe of her work and her life. As for this painting, it is marvelous and I'm so glad you enjoyed it also.
English Rider~ Oh, ye of few words had just the right ones to make me smile! :)
Other Mary~ Thank you for sharing the quote by Anne Morrow Lindberg. Tess selected a great one to get to the heart of things! (Lindberg was a favorite of my mother's....smile.)
Anonymous~ I am not sure if your comment was sincere or spam, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt and removed it from the spam file because it just was not in the same league as the other trash there.
There are times I can't write. I don't call it a block because it makes 'not writing' into a problem. Instead I call it incubation.
ReplyDeletethose are the moments when i have to change the scenery....def like art and it helps, but for me i need to get out and get away to be rejuvenated...
ReplyDeletehedgewitch is absolutely right: studying and writing a lot about creativity/the creative process, especially in literature, i can confirm that all writers experience creativity as a rhythmic activity, very much like a tide, so one should accept the periods of 'writer's block' as hibernation periods, in which nevertheless germination is prepared, unconsciously...
ReplyDelete(i have my photos, when i have no words, this helps indeed :-)
A beautiful painting...thanks for sharing it ~ just one word ~ thanks ~
ReplyDeletemythopolis~ I thought about your word "incubation" numerous times since reading your comment. I thank you for it.
ReplyDeleteBrian~ Totally agree, but when it is late at night/wee hours of the morning I am sort of housebound, you see, and it is then that viewing art helps so much. My husband has a forced unpaid "furlough" day off this Friday, and I hope the weather is decent enough to do something outdoors. :)
Roxana~ It is not surprising that you study and write about creativity. Heaven knows your photography is heaven blessed. But your writing is equally so, such as your latest post, Roxana, which has to be the perfect combination of your perfect skill and gifts. I left there in total awe tonight.
Not exactly on topic, one of the best books I've ever read on creativity is Witness to the Fire: Creativity and the Veil of Addiction.
Heaven~ Just found your comment in my spam file with one other. I hope that doesn't happen again! Glad you appreciated the painting.