
Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday Flash 55 — One with Everything


This is me.  No one — made of Stardust.
 I am one with swirling planets,
    conifer cones dusted with snow,
        delicate ice crusting upon my vacant footsteps —
one with the underweight babe, the bloated beast,
the aged woman praying over beads one final time.

I am the beads, the breath, the bursting, and beyond.
All one.


My post in exactly 55 words written for Friday Flash 55.
Visit G-Man and his Mr. Knowitall community for more weekly 55s.

(Image via Facebook, source not attributed)


  1. That is being me, no worry in the world! Nicely Lydia!


  2. Conifer cones! such a great sound and I too would lie down under stars

  3. You are EVERYTHING?
    I knew that.......:-)
    Thats for rejoining the Funfest Lydia, I always miss you when you're gone.
    Loved your very creative 55
    Thanks for playing, thank you for your awesome support, have a Kick Ass Week-End

  4. judging from your weather up north this could tuly be you!
    Stay warm and cozy and be in the now!

  5. Nice piece...:-)... hello by the way

  6. cool photo, and you've matched the pen to it well ~

  7. ah you had me at the opening line....well penned....we are one...and when we are, we are at peace....

  8. One with everything. A fully loaded pizza was my first thought — wrong, as usual. But true; we are all made of "star stuff."

    Wonderfully worded, Lydia!

    blessing and Bear hugs!

  9. Totally off topic: I love the movie "Stardust". Have you ever seen it?

    Yes, looking up at the night sky (prefer a bit warmer than the image you portrayed) I do feel different, more at peace :)

  10. "One with everything." That's really a great place to be spiritually. The connection of sharing something with nature is very empowering. Awesome poem with great introspection! Chris

  11. Beautifully said and magnificent picture prompt too.

  12. Margaret ~ No, I have not seen "Stardust." I just looked at the page for it at and it looks marvelous. Many thanks for the tip.


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