
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Friday Flash 55 — Marking a page

Image: Book Sculpture by Thomas Wightman, Musetouch at facebook

Someone forgot his or her meds —
A manicure is long overdue.
Scoring a book into deep shreds
Save the title, leave a sad clue.

This might be called a bad hand day—
Or perhaps that describes what was dealt.
Truth is love no longer holds sway
O'er the brittle exhaustion now felt.

Turn the page.

My post in exactly 55 words written for Friday Flash 55.
Visit G-Man and his Mr. Knowitall community for more weekly 55s.


  1. Lydia, this is so well done ~

  2. Whew what a picture- sculpture-
    scary with the claws as you mention!

  3. ouch on those last two lines...
    when love runs out what is left
    but for us to destroy everything we touch

  4. lydia!!!!
    Welcome Back!!
    How insightfully intense.
    This is why I miss you so much.
    Always skillfully crafted and deep
    Loved your book mark 55
    Thanks for playing, thanks for being so kind with your comments, and have a Kick Ass Week-End

  5. Um.
    Bear is not
    a fan of
    sad poetry.
    he writes
    a lot of it

    Puzzling. Very puzzling.

    not really.
    How did you know
    I haven't taken
    my meds,

    Very handy poem,
    this one.

    Blessings and Bear hugs, Lydia!

  6. Not ready for page turning
    Not yet

  7. well done! A delightful twist on such a unique work of art!

  8. Gripping,Lydia..
    Thank you for sharing.

  9. Turn the page... to what purpose.. shredded on both sides.. what a brilliant little story of tragedy.

  10. Perfect synthesis of picture and poem!

  11. A strange image magnificently interpreted, my friend.

  12. The sculpture says a lot but you gave it even more meaning in just 55 words. Nice writing as always Lydia!


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