
Friday, March 14, 2014

Friday Flash 55 — Roots

Rite of Remembrance by Madeline von Foerster

When there are roots
something seemingly dead is still
alive at the heart of the world
where silence lives.

Roots go deep,
holding fast to the memory
of days growing in the sun.

Then darkness displays
a crown of stars blessing the 
primal essence that could not die. 

And night birds sing to the moon.


My post in exactly 55 words written for Friday Flash 55.
Visit G-Man and his Mr. Knowitall community for more weekly 55s.


  1. I love this… it is good to know that in darkness and desolation something lives, that there is potential, Beautifully written!

  2. Great job - well put- I used to contemplate the silence inside mountains! root are another good one; everything to do with compassion and empathy!

  3. Lydia...
    What can I say other than... Perfect, Positive, and Insightful
    I really appreciate the time and effort you take each week in presenting your awesome creations.
    Loved your beneath the surface 55
    Thanks for this little Gem
    Have a Kick Ass Week-End

  4. roots indeed go deep .. somehow we tend to forget them.. but there they are so much more than what we see..

  5. lydia!

    this is an awesome poem. submit this one, girl; share it far and wide. i mean it.

    i am fascinated by roots. how did mary oliver say it?--that roots are the flowers of the otherworld?


  6. i like the rather off beat last line...roots are important...when all else dies...the roots def are the basis of new life...

  7. reads like an old tale you'd find in a leather bound book, taken down from the high shelf in your grandparent's house. cool ~

  8. "Roots go deep,
    holding fast to the memory
    of days growing in the sun."
    What a lovely thought.

  9. And night birds sing to the moon. Really!

    That is such a wonderful poem. I'm not ad-verse to reading such literature.

    Blessings and Bear hugs!

  10. This poem's has a rhythm akin to nature. Roots of life are what all of us have and without it we would be but shells. -- barbara

  11. Lovely poem! Great imagery here. I love the way you incorporated the beauty of nature in your words. Have a great weekend:) Chris


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