
Friday, April 4, 2014

Meeting the Bar—Emotion in poetry

 Image: cropped photo via Upaya Zen Center

Sitting on his black cushion
there on the floor, with
the sangha seated about like
a half-moon of intention
listening-absorbing, he
told of his journey, of
the suffering that
brought him there.
sudden stillness came as
he could speak no more
in the small-town art center
quieted from activity, with
spot-lit children's paintings
playing colorfully, silently.
dozens of Pink Panthers
danced on the walls as he wept.


Written for MeetingTheBar—Emotion in poetry, at dVerse Poets Pub, hosted this week by Claudia Schoenfeld. Her prompt was to write a poem about an emotion without saying what the emotion is.


  1. I don;t think you told us that he was old, but he seems old, and wise. His tears are relief?

  2. I don;t think you told us that he was old, but he seems old, and wise. His tears are relief?

  3. i think he feels loss...perhaps of children....being surrounded by them...and thus he weeps at what is lost...

  4. oh i love how you used contrast here to convey the emotions... the pink panthers on the wall and his difficult story...the weightlessness of the kid's art and the heaviness of his story.... very well done lydia

  5. Strangely, I've been following a thread through LinkedIn about silence.

    Silence seems to be popping up at various places in my life. Could that be a clue?

    Thanks, Lydia.

    Blessings and Bear hugs!

  6. Most poetry intimidates me. I found this verse most calming.

  7. what an exquisite and emotional poem. I could see him sitting there overwhelmed and in tears.

  8. Lydia, This poem made me stop and feel. Feel the emotions I was feeling at the moment. In our shuffling through life we need your kind of words to quiet our thoughts. thanks -- barbara

  9. I love half moon of intention! what aline ! Wow lady-
    Sometimes when we seek peace we get sadness. At least I do.

  10. I commented and it disappeared- I submitted it so if you get a repeat I am baffled-

    Half moon of intention! fabulous, wow. anyway sometimes when I seek peace I get sadness.


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