
Friday, June 27, 2014

Meeting the Bar — DaDa, Daddy

Dada will not
be home for dinner.
The mess hall is a
mess. Actually
unrecognizable, but
so is Dada.
Your father,
he returns
will be
ravin' mad. PTSD-frightful,
this once-
delightful man.
Like a raven
with feathers
oiled, spoiled
forever for
Wandering in the
fucking muck.
cover. The sky's
and heaven
with it under
Dada's decaying boots.

Written for MeetingTheBar—DaDa Daddy, at dVerse Poets Pub, hosted this week by Victoria C. Slotto. Her prompt concerned Dadism, with several ideas to let "that perhaps dormant revolutionary that lurks in your subconscious and write a poem that takes you and the reader outside of that well-defined comfort zone." I chose to write ekphrasis using the work of a Dadaist artist, specifically George Grosz's The Wanderer.


  1. ha. the sky and heaven falling under dada's boots...maybe just maybe...if we erode enough structure with the zaniness of dada...smiles. what an intriguing picture...

  2. "this once-
    delightful man.
    Like a raven
    with feathers
    oiled, spoiled
    forever for
    flight. "....this portion is my favorite...

  3. Oh this is so good, Lydia. You went right to that post-war aspect of Dadaism. Poor Dada--a too real situation right now

  4. Da Da may not be coming home but you sure brought this Dadaism piece home nailed it! :-)

  5. Now THIS is what I'm talkin' about! Great write.

  6. Well, now, that is entirely different! And awesome!

    Blessings and Bear hugs!

  7. Damn...maybe the best thing you have written...or maybe its just me, but damn!

  8. wow- so many ways to go with this- but I obsess on the broken souls of war.

  9. So well done, I love the portrayal specially: Wandering in the
    fucking muck.

    Clever play on title and Dada's decaying boots ~

  10. A lot of cute surprises that make for realism. Great write Lydia!



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