
Tuesday, March 10, 2015


When when was a word
trailing off into space
and change was avoided, 
to keep an unholy peace,
I kept pace with the
fullness of nothing.

Then then became a sword
to die upon or to swallow
and in my marrow I knew
that when is now and
always had been.

So without a runway or
landing strip I changed
course and one day
I will say I flew.



  1. much depth to ponder. I've read it three times already:)

  2. Hi Lydia,

    It’s a long time since I last visited your blog or you mine; long long ago you were one of the first to land at Friko’s World, for which I thank you.

    Your poem is one of those spontaneous insights, the ones that open a window and suddenly you see clearly.

  3. Oh my I love this! Fun and wisdom wrapped into words


  4. Wonderful Aunt! As always :)

    Aunt, I would like to take the space here to share an way so that we can keep in touch.

    Please shoot me an email at:

    mdriyadhsharif AT live DOT COM

    Love :)

  5. This reminds me of the Emmylou Harris song "One of These Days." (That's a good thing.)

  6. Changing course when needed and choosing our own happiness is a brave and essential step.

  7. Hmmm. I think this is going to be good.

  8. "When" and "Then" will forever stop my rambles from now on. Beautiful.

  9. I read this twice, and it is very powerful. Nice "twist" at end.
    Keep up the great work, Lydia.... :)


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