
Saturday, October 15, 2016

Sobriety: 31 years

Wind Moon, and Clouds by Cam Davis

Ich komme aus meinen Schwingen heim -by Rainier Maria Rilke

I come home from the soaring in which I lost myself.
I was song, and the refrain which is God
is still roaring in my ears.

Now I am still
and plain:
no more words.

To the others I was like a wind:
I made them shake.
I’d gone very far, as far as the angels,
and high, where light thins into nothing.

But deep in the darkness is God.

-from Rilke's Book of HoursLove Poems to God

As I have since this blog's inception, on the day of my sobriety anniversary I publish this treasured Rilke poem, but with a new image each year.


  1. Ah, Fireblossom. I've been so horrible in staying in touch with you and my other blogging friends. Having a message from you means the world. I'll try to do better, been a very stressful year that has kept me away from blogging. xo

  2. Lydia, what a beautiful way to celebrate your anniversary ~~ here's to many more.

  3. Congratulations and I hope you have many more. As you don't post here much these days, I wonder how you are and hope you are well. The poem is beautiful.

  4. Hi Lydia,
    Congratulations on an awesome sobriety milestone !

  5. I hope this finds you and yours doing well. May we display your header on our new site directory? As it is now, the site title (linked back to its home page) is listed, and we think displaying the header will attract more attention. In any event, we hope you will come by and see what is going on at

  6. congrats Lydia! Huge accomplishment! One of my sons now has 30days under his belt and I go to Alanon every week- huge help. Take care and Happy New Year!

  7. lydia, i have at least that many years of clear thinking and living as well! yay for us.

    i wish you a wonderful year ahead. i hope we will both blog more. i miss it!


  8. Ah, 31 years of contented sobriety. This is good.

    Blessings and Bear hugs!

  9. you are quiet. missing your voice. hope you are well.


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