She is now 17 and I'm feeling the pinch of guilt that I haven't written to her nearly as much as I wrote to Seuli (actually, the translated communication we had was with Seuli's father). I'm not sure how the agency ceases the sponsorship once a child reaches the maximum age; my guess is that age 18 is the cut-off. Since mail takes about four months one way this means that I really need to ramp up my letters and cards to Huwaida. She has been so gracious in her (translated) letters to us, genuinely indicating her pleasure about a small gift or a colorful card. She herself has responded to the agency's interviews about her life and her family's living condition, which has given field reports a personal touch. Huwaida is a very fine young woman and I think very strong.
Her community is near Darfur where conditions are so dire. Actually living conditions in her family and village far exceed poor Seuli's in Bangladesh. Seuli's toilet was a field outside their hut. Huwaida's family uses a private latrine for their toilet facilities, and the family's water comes from a borehole with a hand pump that is situated about 1/2 mile from their home. Huwaida's family lives in a house made of unfired mud bricks with a corrugated metal roof. Her father is a market seller. She has four younger brothers and a sister who just married.
Huwaida attends what is called primary school. Her drawings are lovely. In my imaginings for her I see a spark ignited that will make her want more for her life than the inevitable. I imagine conditions happening in a perfect synchronicity that would give us the financial ability to bring her to the U.S. to complete her education. She exhibits innate leadership qualities that could take her far and then take her home to be of service to her people. She could change the role of women in Sudan, she could be the catalyst that would cause the world to demand an end to female circumcision on that continent, she could defer marriage until she was ready and then they would plan their family . . .
But these are dreams and the reality is that, even with the fine work the agency is doing to better the conditions of her village, Huwaida's security can be dashed with one year of drought, or a sudden coup d’état that pits one tribe or village against another, or by rape. I hope and pray that she won't endure these horrors. I also hope she won't become embittered by what she must endure in her young life. And I hope my next small package takes less than four months to arrive in Sudan, where I hope it makes Huwaida smile.
I selected Plan USA for our children sponsorship agency after researching them and similar agencies. I chose Plan USA because it is not affiliated with any church or religion, and its mission isn't about spreading any doctrine. In fact, Wellington is Christian, Huwaida is Muslim, and Seuli is Hindu. A comment from the website:
Plan is a global partnership of caring people founded in 1937 to bring hope and help to the world’s poorest children.
Plan began as a child sponsorship organization. Today, we are one of the oldest and largest organizations of our kind—our grassroots, self-help programs assist more than 10 million children and their families in poor communities around the world.
We are proudly private, not for profit, and respectful of local religions and cultures—we have no agenda other than helping kids. Plan USA is one of more than 60 countries bearing the renowned Plan logo.
Your donations to help children through Plan USA are tax deductible and greatly appreciated.
This is a great thing you are doing, a heart warming post.
I have always been reluctant to do a sponsorship such as the ones you do, but this piques my interest.......
"we have no agenda other than helping kids"
I'm in a place right now where I am more than capable of doing something of this sort......thanks from bringing this to my attention & for the info.
i admire you so much for making the effort. this post really made me think about my own effort - or lack of it - to help others, not only locally, but from far away, as well. with the wealth of information and communication at my fingertips, i really have no excuse!
thank you for caring.
Wanderer and Little Bird,
Your interest is what's heartwarming! I have received so much more from these kids and their families than we ever could give. It's a marvelous thing to have them in my life!
Two kids, that's a lot of writing and sending of little packages! But wonderful for the children! I have a sponsor child myself, 7-year-old Hector Jesus from Chile, he's now the eighth kid since back in 1983, when I started. The agency might be a little biased towards Christianity, on the other hand they call themselves non-denominational. Last year, a few sponsors from Austria went there to visit their sponsor kids, and I heard they came back with a lot of positive impressions and the kids were doing fine.
How absolutely wonderful that you have sponsored eight kids since 1983! Have all yours been in Chile or other countries as well? Fantastic!
We didn't get going on this until 2003 and I wish we'd done it sooner when I first got the urge. Wellington was only three years old when we began that year, and so we figure he'll be a part of our lives for many years to come. That's why it's nice to sponsor one other older child in addition to Wellington, and when they "age out" we'll sponsor another older child.
To visit would be such a dream come true. Mike and I truly hope that we'll be able to get to Ecuador to meet him and his family, and see the Galapagos Islands during the same trip. Worth saving for!
lydia, I think visiting will be a great experience! I'm still a little hesitant to do so myself, but I might work up the courage to do so. The other children were from Colombia, Malawi and again, Chile.
And to see the Galapagos Islands! Sounds like a very good idea ;-)
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