Woofles, who passed away in 2007, is in the first photo and Bonbon, still happily with us, is next.

My most precious cat ever is the orange-and-white with the meditative paws. His name was Bleecker and he passed away at age 16 in 2006. I will definitely blog about him in the future.
Feather, now 12-years-old, is the petite white beauty in the center. She misses Bleecker to this day, but is learning to depend upon Shiva Lullaby for companionship.
After meeting the inside cats, Flat Stanley found Pyewacket lounging in the old potting shed. He was the size of a bird but just stood there and didn't smell gamy so she didn't pounce. (Now, in 2008, Pye is old, just had dental surgery, and is relishing this summer's long days in the sun.)

When I read your last post it was the first time I heard about flat stanley before......I was watching King of the Hill today, and they had a little blurb about the paper guy! Funny eh?!
You have and have had some beautiful animals :o) I hope we have our two boys for a long time....
i love your pets!!!
such cuties!!
That is so strange! I've noticed throughout life that sometimes when I hear/read about something new it seems to come up in my world soon after. I have wondered if the word/thing/whatever has been discussed around me, etc. all along while I sat there like a chump not noticing? I don't think it works that way. I think the universe simply opens a bit more for us the more we learn.
I wish you two boys verrrry lonnng lives!
They are wonderful. Bleecker was my little boy (and I know how crazy that sounds!). We've been adopted by each of the four outside cats who sleep in the garage in their own beds (with electric pads in the winter). Maybe a stray will come your way one day...
Little Bird,
Yes, they are. But then there's Sampson.... :)
Lydia..I am not just saying this to be nice...you have the cutest darn pets I have ever, and I mean EVER, seen!!! oh my gosh!!!
Well, I agree! It's kind of a pet wonderland around our house...
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