Before Inauguration
In my life
I've not been this quietly excited,
like a pod about to burst open with
multi-colored mini fireworks - each one
opening into music that
crescendos into tears of joy then
falls on America the smiling beautiful,
seeding liberty and justice
for all, for all
- (c) MLM (Lydia) 2009
In My Life (Hawaiian Style) sung by Keali'i Reichel (3:37)

#1 Obama and his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham (msnbcmedia)
#2 Barack on the beach ( meetbarack)
#3 Barack and maternal grandfather ( meetbarack)
#4 Obama, 5th grade, with his father (
#5 Obama and sister, Maya (
#6 Obama with grandparents at graduation ( meet barack)
#7 Young Obama (
#8 Obama and paternal grandmother - Kenya ( meetbarack)
#9 Barack and Michelle wedding 1992 (peoplemagazine)
#10 Obama family 2002 (peoplemagazine)
#11 Obama family Aug. 2008 (princetonprofs blog)
#12 Obama at Lincoln Memorial Jan. 10, 2009 (AP gerald herbert)
#13 The Elects at Wilmington train station Jan. 17, 2009 (getty images)
#14 Barack and Michelle Obama wave to crowds from train Jan. 17, 2009 (AP/pool)
Lovely. Thank you.
I too am so excited and filled with Hope for this President - Every time I hear him speak tears of joy run down my face. There is no doubt in my mind this man will be one of our greatest presidents.
Almost sorry I won't be at work that day--people there are so excited:>)
How beautiful, Lydia...thank you!
I feel the same .It was a beautiful tribute
I, like you am so filled with this rather peaceful feeling of excitement and hope for not only our country but for the whole world. I had a gut feeling of "intuition" when Obama announced he was running for president 2 years ago that he would win and be our next president! I had absolutely no was "time".
It's almost like once Obama is sworn in as president "officially" I will take a deep deep breath of "relief" and feel such a sense of goodness for us all. I feel almost as if I've been holding my breath for over 4 years!
Lovely post dedicated to a man who may just change our whole lives..for the better!..but we must be patience and be strong.
"Yes, we can"!
Blessings for love and peace in this country and the world,
[NOTE: I'm unable to respond to comments in my usual way, as I get a blank page rather than seeing your comments. I'm replying in a roundabout way by commenting while not signed in - next step will be to "approve" my own comments! Anyone else ever had this strange thing happen?]
Thanks for your wonderful comments. I agree 100% about his potential to be one of our greatest presidents.
Where it would be fun to be in the midst of everyone's excitement I really think you'll be glad you have the day at home to enjoy the events on TV...
Well you're welcome and I'm grateful for your appreciation.
Also to you, thanks for appreciating. (I love your butterflies.)
Your comments read like a lovely commentary or opinion piece....would be wonderful to read in the newspaper!
interesting article ;) congratulation with your blog
The election told the whole world that America is apt for changes and reform and that it breaks the barrier between races. It brings hope to us all for a better and more peaceful future.
Lydia, your prose is beautiful and the collection of Obama photos is outstanding. Thank you.
Lydia, thanks for your post and the great selection of photos!
Enjoy this great day tomorrow! I work from 6 am to 6 pm and hope to get some pretty good TV-coverage of the event in the evening! (But 6pm here means 12 o'clock in Washington, so this should work)
"crescendos into tears of joy then
falls on America the smiling beautiful,
seeding liberty and justice
for all"
Conjures such wonderful imagery for me. Lovely tribute. I'm am secretly hoping we get a snow day so I can watch it live ;) Or maybe a sick day is in order?!?! haha
I hate to say this, and I know I'll be in a minority of one, but I am full of foreboding about Obama coming on the scene.
I remember Kennedy. And I am conscious that despite the horror of Gaza he has not spoken to that yet, not once.
But I'm happy for you all; enjoy it while it lasts, the moment can be great regardless.
Thank you for visiting my blog and for your kind comment.
Sassy Reporter,
It was really great to have a comment from you acknowledging America's historic election and how we all affect one another in this world. Here's to the future!
Many thanks for your encouraging comments. And more than ever, thanks for that "toast" you give us in your photo!
O, wow, just to know you'll be watching from Vienna is really special. You may be tired after work but I think the occasion will keep you awake...and happy!
Thanks so much!
Definitely, a sick day! I tried my hardest to convince Mike to add one day of vacation to the three-day weekend and he didn't schedule it. Tonight he was REALLY wishing he had taken the day. At least the balls and coverage of the day will be on TV in the evening.
Your comment meant a lot to me and here's why. You felt comfortable, even with an admitted minority opinion, to leave your honest thoughts here. And you did so in a spirit of friendship by saying you are happy for those who are in the celebratory majority.
Thank you for staying true to your own concerns by disagreeing with kindness and class. I hope you are an example of the change we long to witness.
There is something in the air. I can feel it.
We are witnessing a shift in the American consciousness.
This is truly an historic moment and I am all excited.
I wish they have given us the day off.
Oh well, nothing is perfect.
Thank you for the lovely poem and pictures.
Be loved!
Loved the happiness and wisdom of your comments.
I wish you had the day off, too, but hopefully coverage in the evening on TV and on the internet will help you experience the wonder of it all.
I'm glad you appreciated my poem and the photos captured by many good (and lucky) photographers!
the election of obama will surely echo in history. america did a great leap in proving the world over that it is still the bastion of democracy.
Deus ex machina,
What a joy to have your marvelous comment here to begin this historic day. :)
Everything is bringing me to tears today, your lovely poem and post, the changes heading our way, like I'm bursting open, too.
lovely imagery and tribute. I enjoyed the collection of photos! Happy Inauguration day! :)
Thanks so much.
You too, huh? These kinds of tears are good for the nervous system. I think the new administration will have the same affect. :)
Thank you! There was so much to enjoy today. Happy Inauguration Day to you, too!
THANK YOU LYDIA--for your wonderful words, your heartfelt emotion, and the wow-wee collection of photos!
Peace, woman.
I loved that President Obama(How lovely to say that!Yaaa!)felt comfortable getting out and walking around(in that parade down the street, after the Inauguration). This grace will lead him, and exemplify the fearlessness he will no doubt, show again and again.
O, thanks for your comment! It was a marvelous day. After the coverage of the parade I had to run some errands around town. The young clerk (about 19) at Rite Aid had just come to work and she said how happy she was that she was able to watch the Inauguration. Then she added, "It was also on My Space, so I got to see it TWO TIMES!" I reached across the counter and shook her hand, saying here's to the future and she responded it is a new beginning. It topped off the day for me, that neighbor-to-neighbor moment that President Obama has asked us to grow.
Lydia, this is one of my most favorite songs ever! & how perfectly you put it all together here with these beautiful photos.
I am so psyched for this country.
Perfectly done Lydia!
Besides the incredible charisma of the man there's the message that he brings and the dreams he embraces. Before some others had one of those, except for some abominable figures, but I don't remember any with all three qualities, and on top of all that, to make it even better, he's black. About time America broke with her past basically when big majorities or "communities" are not made by WASP Americans.
Thanks much for saying that. It's one of my favorites, too! I thought this singer did a really special job with it.
Watching the news tonight was a great thrill with the new faces and all.
I think you're right about other politicians not having all three of those amazing attributes. I'll truly be shocked if, at the end of my life (which I hope is a long one), Obama won't be my favorite President.
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