Friday, April 3, 2009

meditation on dear john deere & BodyVox Dance Co. present "Modern Daydreams," a suite of four Chaplinesque films. In this episode a man and a 22-ton John Deere excavator dance a dance of discovery, fulfillment, and eventually, the loss that any diesel-based relationship must suffer. (See more comedies at

Click here for a Dear John Letter Generator.........
Cupid's Dear John Letter Generator takes the mind-numbing drudgery of traditionally announcing your significant other's impending abandonment, and replaces it with an easy, fun, and altogether painless interactive experience!

Click here for John Deere Generators...........
Don't settle for just any portable power source when you can get real, dependable power from John Deere. Our generators are powered by high-performance Subaru and Honda gas engines and they have over-sized fuel tanks for extended hours of operation.

TGIF, everyone.

(During the weekend I will be attempting to figure out why Feedburner has yet again dropped most feeds from my blog. What? Do I need to take a class in html at the local community college to ensure that I can troubleshoot this ongoing mess between Google Analytics and Feedburner? Anyone else having difficulties with feeds and stats? I may be forced to write a Dear John Letter to each of them, delete the accounts, and start all over....... gads.)



RB said...

Hilarious. I also want a hat. Thanks so much for the award...I feel that the name "Zombie Chicken" could not be more perfect.

Chris Overstreet said...

I just bought a John Deere tractor. It has no seat and no steering wheel. Nobody else wanted it, but it's perfect for me; I lost my ass and don't know which way to turn.

Melinda said...

OMG, Lydia--that was one of the most brilliant and funny little films I have ever seen. It literally brought tears to my eyes, I was laughing so hard.

There they walk, man and his machine. Ha ha ha ha ha.


Aimee said...

I loved that video! Talk about different! I'm going to have to show that to my son. When he was little he was obsessed with construction equipment!

MuseSwings said...

Love that Dear John letter generator! I could have used that back in my dating years. It might still be good therapy for some of the duds that still weigh on my how could you have given him the time of day mind. Love your zombie chicken award! Congrats!

Mark said...

Cute, maybe a little scary ... thanks for sharing.

Looking to the Stars said...

Yes, TGIF! Loved the post :)
wish I could help with the computer thing but I am soooooooo
lame when it comes to that sort of thing. You are braver then me with having other sites (I'm assuming they are other sites) :)

Hattie said...

I've been hearing lately from lots of people who are having strange bloggy problems. What's up, I wonder?

Lydia said...

@RB- Pretty funny, huh? Zombie Chicken is a great name, but you've done yourself proud with Wicked Witch of the Web!

@Chris- Now, coming from you I just don't know if you truly just bought a John Deere tractor or you couldn't help yourself from using that great line! If it's the real deal then I'm very happy for the two of you....

@Melinda- You like this film as much as I do! Not sure if you saw the first of his films I posted, and I can't open that to link with this comment window open. In my blog search box key in "meditation on isolation." It's another remarkable film.....

@Aimee- How fun to think that this might bring back some special childhood memories for your son. See my message to Melinda above to get to the first of these films I posted. :) Thanks for being here!

@MuseSwings- O, how I love your name! I wish my muse would swing over my way for a long stay. You're right that the letter generator could still be some fun with an eye on the past, of course. A letter generator that would apologize to some in the past would also be cathartic for me......

@Mark- yeah, maybe just a little scary, and his laundry afterward would be scary too. :)

@Looking to the Stars- Well, there's certainly a learning curve in even understanding instructions on their Help pages. I have printed off a small book! I do have one other blog, and it had escaped the conundrum until yesterday. I think this post cursed it!

@Hattie- Hmmmmm. I feel less alone now. Thanks for letting me know. I saw your post headline "Facebook Sux" and need to get back to read it. (she ties string on finger...)

Erin Davis said...

I can't stop laughing!

The Acolyte Tao said...

Not a very important thing, but it just reminded me, I use to have a John Deere shirt in 8th/9th grade. But I don't remember what happened to it? Hm... I guess it just walked away.

Lydia said...

@Erin- I'm so happy it brought such delight!

@Acolyte Tao- But I think that IS an important thing because a memory was stirred and just for a moment you got to go back to 8th/9th grade. It's probably sitting in some used clothes store hoping you'll come find it.....

Marie Reed said...

The Dear John letter generator is the funniest thing I've seen in ages! God it's crazy!

I'm about to watch the video!

Marie Reed said...

Nuts! I love it!

Lydia said...

@Marie- I love your sense of humor......gee, I wonder why.....

Carlos Lorenzo said...

More than humor I find a lot of art and lyricism. It is extremely difficult to convey that by means of the almost obscene and absurd presence of an excavator acting as a ridiculous "partenaire". As it is suggested there is some Chaplin influence in this scene. Not that it can be compared but there's something in the air. Now that we talk about lyricism check Chaplin in the Globe Scene (the Great Dictator)

Lydia said...

@Carlos- Ever the artist, you have summed up the work the way Mitchell Rose would be pleased to see, I think. Your reference to lyricism and the link to the amazing clip of Chaplin explain why I find the video funny on one level, but beautiful on a deeper level. BTW, thank you for the Chaplin link, as I've never seen any piece of the Great Dictator and I was quite taken by the clip, breathless almost....

j said...

As someone with a 3.5 year old boy with a more than passing interest in diggers (though not as much as the kid in our music class who asked his parents to call him John -- for John Deere -- instead of Felix when he was barely 3 years old), this film made me laugh!

Oh, and my Feedburner has been behaving weirdly, too, though it seems back to normal today.

Batteson.Ind said...

In Ireland, the building industry has just crashed badly, methinks there could be a lot of this millarky going on secretly in fields over here, lol! There is actually a group of digger drivers in Ireland who do the ag shows, basically digger ballet, you've got to love the love a man has for a machine!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lydia... I'm so glad that you found me at Marie's and came by for a visit. Thanks very much for your kind comments. I've enjoyed going through your wonderful blog... and am still chuckling from this post! Just love the concept of the Dear John Letter Generator... nothing should surprise me anymore. Hope you're having a terrific week...

Lydia said...

@Jennifer- That is hysterical about the kid who wants to be called John for John Deere! What is it with boys/men and tractors, anyway?
I have found that my Feedburner prob is not related to my Google Analytics stats being dropped. The nicest guy at Google responded to my SOS message at Help and I have some relatively simple-looking steps to follow......and I owe Google an apology for my frustration. :)

@the watercats- Indeed, what's an unemployed digger/tractor to do? Thank god there are men out there who understand the unique need for appreciation that these machines must have. :)

@Pearl- Yes, I'm having a great week and partly due to hearing from you. Isn't Marie a sweetie? Actually, I think she has real leadership qualities as evidenced by her being honored by Facebook, etc.
I'll be seeing you over at your blog. :)



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