Buddha of Hollywood commented after my recent old postcard of Mount Shasta that the mountain has a great ski slope. I began thinking that some readers at Writerquake haven't seen Mount Shasta or the City of Mt. Shasta, so for you I'm posting these shots I took when I stayed overnight there a few years ago on my way back from Reno. I'm sorry that I didn't stop to take any pictures around Lake Shasta, which is a beautiful place.
As you can see above, the community is effectively positioned at the base of the mountain.

The downtown area is quaint, clean, friendly, and has an assortment of eclectic shops.

This sign was in my motel room.
The information is true......the water is amazing!

This shot is in the sweet city park at dusk. I was quite taken by the presence of the mountain. It seemed to have been lit from within.....

And here is Mount Shasta the next morning on my way out of town.

It's one of those places that is very hard to leave. I entertained fantasies of moving there. Do you do that, truly see yourself living in a different place once you've spent even a little time there?
Along that line, this news report Wednesday evening fascinated me. According to new Census reports, Americans aren't moving. In fact we haven't stayed put in these numbers since 1962.............
(video runs 2:58)
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Absolutely beautiful - and i love the postcard as well.
It's hard to know when you visit somewhere - its easy to say "lets move here", but once you're there you still have to earn a living...
On the subject of mountains did you know some chap put two feet on Mount Everest about 300 years before Edmund Hillary?
According to BBC programme QI (Quite Interesting) he measured it from a distance, found it to be an exact height and added 2ft to his measurements because he thought no one would believe him!
An interesting fact that is bound to entertain!
It's a bit of the, "grass is always greener". I have always wanted to travel, but have never been in the right situation to be able to, when you can't move I think it forces you to find wonder in the places you must stay... perhaps... *drifts off on a contemplation...
Thanks for sharing your photos of Mt Shasta. Looks beautiful, I have not yet been there however will keep in mind for future trips.
Mt. Shasta is a beautiful mountain and the village looks most appealing. I love the wide streets; they are reminiscent of streets in Colorado Springs where I grew up.
Your photos are beautiful. I think you should enlarge and frame the last one.
Hello! We've been through Mt. Shasta many times over the years. I have grown to love that little town with its quaint downtown and incredibly diverse and beautiful scenery.
I noticed something interesting about their graveyards. If you happen to visit their pioneer cemetary, you'll notice there are many many people who lived to be over 100 years old. And not just in yesteryear, but in modern times.
There may be something to their claim of wonderful air and water!
Hey Lydia!! Thanks for your comments too, very nice!
I was in Mt. Shasta a couple times...I´ll have to tell the story of the Lumerians, did you meet any of them?? hmmm...I didnt see mention of it...anyway, take care ciaooo Jay
Even if I really, really, really want to...??
I didn't quite catch this I guess, what state is it in? It look beautiful... The snow on top of the mountains. Gorgeous. =D
@DFTP- Didn't know this about Mount Everest. When Hillary climbed it did he then correct the first guy's measurement-plus?
@the watercats- o, o, your comments remind me of the lyrics I posted for Earth Day on my other blog ("This Piece of Earth" by Jenny Schaub and West of Eden which you may know well). :)
@Mark- I can tell that the mountain is calling to you. :)
@Darlene- I wonder if Colorado Springs has maintained that special character....
Thanks for appreciating the pictures; you are so kind!
@Beth- It's fun to swap Mt. Shasta info. I had no idea about the cemetery and I really do like visiting cemeteries so would make a point of looking at this one in the future. Please note comments by J M Harden. I'm sure the Lumerian believers would lay claim in one fashion or another to the longevity of Shasta citizens!
@J M Harden- So funny that you'd mention the Lumerians. None introduced themselves to me as such, but....
I picked up a book about Mt. Shasta being a sacred mountain and read it when I got home. I was surprised with lots of info about Lumerians; it was all news to me. See Beth's comments above, too.
@Distracted- Well, if you really really want to, then ok.....but advise the Census that you have skewed its findings. ;)
@Acolyte Tao- I'm sorry for not mentioning that it's in California. That info was in the preceding post with the postcard.
You'd love it there. Also, that is perpetual snow and glaciers. I don't think it's ever melted.....
Snow that has never melted... Hm, I wonder if its clean to eat? haha.
Oh, I love the picture with the mountain "lit from within." Perfect. Mount Shasta is indeed beautiful.
@Acolyte Tao- I doubt that....better stick with Coldstone Creamery!
@Erin- It really pleases me that you "felt" that photo. I know it's too dark, but having been there I see it differently. And so, obviously, do you.
That little town is very nice. We were there last summer on our way through from Seattle to Tahoe. Another place I like very much is Ashland.
But it's true that if you don't have a sure way to make a living in a new place you had better stay put. My daughter was thinking of moving from Seattle to Portland but has decided it's too much of a risk.
#Hattie- It's a shame that your daughter can't make that move. From what I hear things are decidedly worse in Seattle than Portland. But the job issue is a serious consideration.
I have a cousin who lives in Ashland, and I agree with you that it's an appealing town.
I love your blog! thank you for sharing. I too share a deep love for the mountain!
Ericka ~ It is such fun to have a comment on an old post, and yours was a real delight! Thank you so much. :)
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