Sunday, August 23, 2009

Abby is our Old English Sheepdog

Mike put this video together last summer of our Old English Sheepdog, Abby, but she's enjoyed the same spot in the sun this summer. It's her favorite place to nap during the day.

Abby had her ninth birthday recently. Some of you may remember my earlier post, Abby's Story, about our bringing her into our family via a Rescue group. There was the saddest loss in the group this past May. Steve Schott died suddenly. He was the man who fostered Abby not once, but twice, and who, as president of Texas Old English Sheepdog Rescue, was instrumental in the vitality of the group . We still miss his calls and emails. The last time we spoke on the phone he lamented, "You know, some of the first Sheepies that I placed into homes are beginning to die." But there are many Sheepies all across the United States still living their lives happily with families who rescued them, all because of Steve. He had a heart full of love and compassion, and I think of him often when I look at our precious Abby. What a great legacy.

  • If you'd like to know more about the wonderful organization where we found Abby click here for Texas Old English Sheepdog Rescue.
  • Once there, please notice the special memorial page for the wonderful Steve Schott.
  • Also, if any of my readers are in the Houston, Texas, area please consider the special appeal for a foster home for a dog named "Tank." If you can help out, or know anyone who can, well ..... that would be super.
  • There are rescue groups for nearly any breed of dog. And don't forget your local animal shelter, where many dogs and cats await homes...or would appreciate your time as a volunteer.



YogaforCynics said...

Love the video--Abby looks like a sweetie.

Kathleen said...

That is precious! I love Abby!

Nancy said...

Thanks for the reminder. I'm sure that fine gentle man is now petting a beautiful sheep dog, in a lovely place reserved for dog rescuers.

Lydia said...

@YogaforCynics- That will please Mike. Abby is so wonderful, as close to perfect as any dog I've known.

@Kathleen- Thanks for being here and for sending love to Abby! I love her so much too.

@Nancy- Your comment about Steve really choked me up. We never met in person but he absolutely felt like family. Thanks, Nancy.

RB said...

What a beautiful dog. I wish I didn't live in the city and could get one!

Robin Easton said...

Dear Lydia, Abby looks SO beautiful and relaxed. For these beautiful loving creatures to have a good stable caring home is very touching. I am so glad Abby ended up with you and your husband. I can tell that she is exceedingly happy. You are such a gentle soul (and from the video it sounds like your husband is as well - any man who can talk baby-talk to a dog has a soft heart. :)) So in light how you both are, Abby must feel like she landed in heaven. It makes me feel so happy just to know that. And I thank you for being so loving. Robin

Looking to the Stars said...

Beautiful Post, kiddo.

I'm sorry that our world has lost another great heart. But there are many more and you are one :)

mantiz said...

he's adorable! nice pic.. :)

Darlene said...

Abby is a cutie - what a sweet face.

My daughter got her German Shepherd from a rescue group. It's a great way to save a dog and get a friend who will love you unconditionally.

Anonymous said...

Abby is adorable!
Feel sorry for Steve... May he rest in peace!
And glad to know about Texas Old English Sheepdog Rescue... It's such a nice organization!

Now I'm going to read Abby's Story!

Lydia said...

@RB- She is beautiful. I hope that you can have a great dog in the future.

@Robin- Thank you for all your lovely comments about Abby and us. She has been a huge gift in our lives and I can't imagine not having her with us. I treasure every day with her and I really do think she feels the same. :)

@Looking to the Stars- Aw, thank you so much for your sweet comments.

@mantiz- Thank you for your visit and for liking the video of Abby.

@Darlene- I just loved learning that your daughter also has a rescue dog. Your description is beautiful and so true.

@Riyadh- She is adorable, and sometimes when she's playing I can see the "puppy" she was that, of course, we never really got to see. I hope you enjoy her story in the other post. Thanks for reading it!

Anonymous said...

A beautiful, loving dog
How can there be a truly loving home without one?
You are blessed

Good job on the rescue appeal
Know that I am doing what I can

However FOUR cats is my limit!!!

We will be rescuing another dog soon though

Margo said...

I love the video of Abby - what a doll! I have always loved Old English sheepdogs... If I didn't have allergies, that's probably what I'd have - I did end up with a labradoodle - huge surprise, they share some physical characteristics. I am so glad there are people like your friend who are called to do this with their lives :)

Kim said...

The dog is adorable!

I'm a firm believer in animal adoption. The best pets in the world are the rescued ones.

Friko said...

Lovely Abby, so happy in her backyard. Everybody should rescue unwanted dogs, mine always come from rescue shelters. Even beautiful Benno. They are so hugely grateful for landing in a kind and caring home.

robin ann mcintosh said...
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Lydia said...

@Citizen of Earth- I thought about what you wrote and realized that I was without a dog for a period of only six years in my whole life. You are right! I'll look so forward to reading about your dog when you bring him/her into your home.

@Margo- Abby is great on video, where our Standard Poodle seems camera shy. Both breeds are considered as hypoallergenic as dogs can get, and neither the poodle or the OES shed at all - even with full coats, which they will begin growing in the fall and have through spring.
I saw the photo of your dog and think it's extraordinary!

@Kim- You should see her when she's all furry! I must post a photo later in the year...

@Friko- It's true about their gratitude, and you can see it in their eyes. Your dogs are lucky to live with you.

@Robin- I published, then deleted, your comment because the blue linked name still was your full name - which is exactly what you are getting away from!
I really hope it was a happy ending for that cat...

Lisa Nanette Allender said...

LOVE THIS...Thank you for always helping the "rescues" of the world!



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