I Have an Intense Heart
Results: Your heart craves passion. You feel deeply and love an emotional rush. You let your heart guide you. You never regret leaping before you look. If you fall, you just leap again. Your heart has been hurt more times than you can count, and you've broken many hearts in return. You understand that loss is a big part of love, and you think it's worth the risk. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

I love the space of time that includes the final week of one year and the first week of the new year. It is a space that I find quietly exciting for the way it -- to borrow the beautiful phrase by e.e. cummings in this poem -- closes and opens.
During this time I become extremely introspective (maybe you do also). It's happening to me again now.
Thus, this.......
the heart sutra...
Original Video obtained at TinyPic
Happy holidays to you and yours,much love and peace for everyone!
Aleksandra :O)
You have a big heart dear Lydia to accept and understand almost everybody. You are so kind person! Hugs from Cyrpus. Please send me the photos!
A heart test, ee cummings, and a beautiful lesson on the heart sutra: What a powerful and surprising combo. This is why I love your blog, Lydia! By the way, I have an intense heart, too.
Interesting lecture there about the heart sutra... very calming, something to soak up slowly... thanks for sharing that us.
And thanks for your company over the past months, it's been a pleasure sharing a few moments of communication, may there be many more in 2010... From one Service fan to another...
@ALeks- Thank you so much for your kind wishes. Yes, indeed, much love and peace for everyone. Happy New Year (a bit early)!
@Phivos- I am so touched by your description of me. Hugs in return.
I do not remember which photos I sent to you before your computer crashed! I hope you do not mind that I may send different one, and I'll try to do that this week!
@Erin with an intense heart- It pleases me no end that you seem to "get" the patchwork posts I create at times. :)
@Owen- Great to have such a thoughtful end-of-year comment from you here. I most definitely look forward to many more of those moments you mentioned. New Years wishes abound...
lydia, are we heart sisters? i think so....
i know what you mean about this week in between. it is always a special week for me. in some way i wrap up, look up, and begin again.
Loved the heart sutra. It was just what I needed to hear this morning.
@kf- I do believe you are right!
Enjoy these days heading into a bright new year. :)
Nancy- So glad. I'm keeping it until Old Postcard Wednesday because I'm enjoying hearing it more than once/twice.
Lydia, I also think that the days after Christmas are special, days of reflection, meditation and maybe re-orientation as well. In Germany (where I am at the moment) this time is called the time "between the years" and Alpine traditions tell of all kinds of legendary and wild beings flying through the air until 6th January.
Interestingly, I have an idealistic heart.
I love the idea of an introspective time before the beginning of the new year. Maybe now that the family has cleared out -- it was lovely to have my mother here for 8 days and my husband's family over the holiday, but we're a bit worn out -- we can sit and contemplate for a few days.
And I am also the owner of an intense heart.
@francessa- Hello to you in Germany. :) I absolutely love the Alpine thought and traditions you described. Wish I was there!
That is interesting about your idealistic heart. Nice balance for a rational head, yes?
@Jennifer- I'm sure your mother and your husband's family thoroughly enjoyed their time with you. Sounds great. Now it is YOU time.
I loved the way you described yourself as "the owner . . ." Seems darned evolved to me. :)
Lydia, if you're interested in those wild beings, take a look here.
According to this Heart quiz, I was stunned to read that I have a "Content Heart"...not sure about that part...and that it apparently doesn't take much to make my heart happy...I do feel that part is true...and my heart has a lot to give to the world..I believe that it does and always has...but I just didn't realize this was going on! though a lot of people I know have told me this through the years...Ironic I know..
Like you I used to take a lot of chances..but getting hurt so much through the years, I lost a lot of trust with people...but I do see that slowly changing...I must say the past year and has brought vast changes in my life and so quickly it made my head spin and very overwhelming! But I also see so much improvement and for the first time in a long long time I actually don't feel alone much anymore. Though I do still value my "alone and quiet space" time..I've made a lot of friends here and get a lot of kindness and moral support..this really does help make a difference in one's life!
Like you said the "closing and opening" of the old year to the new year...kind of like a new year to "Bloom" and to hopefully bring "eternal good changes" in all of our lives. That is my wish for all of us and the whole world.
Happy New Year Lydia!
@francessa- For some reason I'm not able to access the link tonight. My computer is making loud signing noises like it's sick and tired of this old year...or something like that! I'll try later.
@Rhi- I wonder if your test results have anything to do with your finding love at the end of this year! Your wishes for new years are beautiful and bring a sense of contentment to my heart!
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