~by EDGAR A. GUEST, 1926
I'd rather see a sermon than hear one
any day,
I'd rather one should walk with me
than merely show the way.
The eye's a better pupil and more willing
than the ear;
Fine counsel is confusing, but
example's always clear;
And the best of all the preachers are
the men who live their creeds,
For to see the good in action is what
everybody needs.
I can soon learn how to do it if you'll
let me see it done.
I can watch your hands in action, but
your tongue too fast may run.
And the lectures you deliver may be
very wise and true;
But I'd rather get my lesson by
observing what you do.
For I may misunderstand you and the
high advice you give,
But there's no misunderstanding how
you act and how you live.
Painting: Portrait of a Priest, by Giacomo Ceruti, early 1730s
For definitions of Holy See, a confusing term for non-Catholics (like me), click here.
Faith that is seen over faith that is heard is much more impressive.
Words are suspect, but actions are the real deal (when witnessed in person, at least).
An incredibly priceless point!...well taken...and so so true. If only many would realize actions and "seeing" and observing say more than words ever would or will.
Edgar A. Guest, must have been a wise man indeed.
Oh found that site and read most of it. I really think for me my Ionic Breeze is beneficial in so many ways. I am aware of the ozone deal. I know people that used strong Ozone to clean out a large room or building..it really has a smell when it's that strong and bothers me..but always keeping my Ionic Breeze on the low has made it so I don't smell the ozone...but if I have it on high I do always smell it. It sure has helped me to sleep at night with less coughing and respiratory problems with having a long haired cat, all these years. Maybe I might need to think about purchasing an updated Ionic Breeze but can't afford that just now. Thank you Lydia for taking the time to share this updated info on this subject. Hope your weekend is a good one also..it was a beautiful day and I've been cleaning and working getting ready for apartment inspections for next Monday and then mid May..
La Belette Rouge~ Yup, and ya gotta wonder if faith that is heard is really faith. I wouldn't trust any of those evangelists on TV for having any faith other than faith there will always be some poor sucker who will send them money...
Erin~ Good point: "whenever witnessed in person" (and with the least amount of fanfare as possible)!
Rhi~ I wonder who that Guest person was...suppose I should Google his name.
Sounds like you have the appropriate confidence in your ionic breeze, and you have actually made me think I'll run ours a bit more than I have.
Enjoy your (busy-sounding) weekend.
What a wonderful poetic selection. So timely.
bfk~ Yes, and prescient.
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