Sunday, October 3, 2010


Onyx went missing for just about 24 hours. We were heartsick during his uncharacteristic absence. Late Saturday afternoon there he was in the driveway, appearing as suddenly as he had disappeared. He headed straight for Michael's lap in the patio and the guys just sat together in comfortable silence for an hour. Then it was time for me to secure him and the three other outside cats into the garage for their dinners and safe beds. Onyx ran ahead of me to his own space, obviously ready and grateful for his meal and a good night's sleep.

But not even his wildest kitty dreams could envision the cloud effect that I saw minutes later behind our house. The setting sun in the west shared some of its splendor with the eastern sky, and the clouds seemingly could not contain their joy.

We understood. It was an altogether beautiful evening to be alive.




Anonymous said...

nice cat ;;) ... nice pictures ;;)

Kittie Howard said...

Yay, Onyx returned!! In a rush to get out of here but will do so with a bright smile. Went to bed thinking about Onyx. Now, okay, Onyx dude, were were ya??? :)))))))))))

Fireblossom said...

Aw, now Lydia, look at me, I'm a mess! The picture of Onyx with his eyes closed on your husband's lap made me cry. I am so happy he came home.

And the sky! Wow!

bfk said...

Lovely photos. I hope the cat learned its lesson. Sounds like it.

Roxana said...

i am so happy for you, that everything is fine again... btw Onyx is such a lovely name :-)

this red diaphanous veil floating between the sky and the earth is simply otherworldly, i feel pure joy just by looking at the picture, i imagine what it must have been inside your heart to witness it in real life...

Sage Ravenwood said...

I've got tears in my eyes. With the rescues you never know what the day brings. Some days they come back, wanting more. I never forget a face, or forget to include them in my prayers on the smoke. I've got 4 taking up residence on my enclosed porch now, more so with the coming cold.

This post left me with a genuine smile. I wish all the lost ones could know the unconditional lose you and I have for them. (Hugs)Indigo

Lorna said...

So glad Onyx found his way back home to Michael's lap and your heart and the cozy in the garage. There is something soothing about your blog; your words, your photos; I'm glad I found you.

Don't Feed The Pixies said...

Yay - so glad your cat story had a good ending. I'm going to be posting about my new cat this week - it's been a bit of an adventure so far.

The photo of the clouds is absolutely fantastic

La Belette Rouge said...

This is the BEST news. I was thinking about you and Onyx all last night. I am sooooooooooooo happy. Please gives her tons of smooches for me. xoxoxoo

pohanginapete said...

Wonderful news — I'm so pleased the story had such a great outcome. Long may you continue to enjoy each other's company. :^)

Lydia said...

Tzzumbi~ Many thank yous for your visit and comment.

Kitty Howard~ Where was he, indeed! We'll never know. He sure did hang around the house today, in his old pattern. Thank you so much for thinking strongly of him, as those thoughts helped.

Fireblossom~ You were moved by the photo of Onyx cuddling, but I doubt you could be a mess! I'm so happy he's home, too.

bjk~ Thanks. I hope so too, and I hope it stays "learned."

Roxana~ I wish I could have sent the pink veiled clouds over to you for you to capture in your genius artistry. It really was a glorious sight! Onyx says thank you for liking his name, as he is extremely fond of it himself. :)

Indigo~ Your thoughts and love on behalf of all the lost ones, and of those you take in and will care for in the future, are very powerful. Many thanks to you and the source of your tears.

Lorna~ Welcome and thank you so much for your comments. I am glad you found me too. :) I am honored by your description of my blog, truly.

Pixies~ New cat? Does this make three or did one come to an end of its days? I look forward to "meeting" the newbie. Glad you liked the photo and thanks for thinking about Onyx.

Belette~ We must have somehow sensed that you were thinking of us because sleep was so sweet last night. It was such a huge comfort having him back home. Onyx will gladly accept that kiss from you. xx

pohanginapete~ It seemed almost too good to be true when he returned. Thank you for your good wishes for much more time together; I am hoping for that too.

Hattie said...

My daughter just got two black kittens. So much fun.
Glad your baby returned.

Kim said...

I'm glad Onyx is back!

Looking to the Stars said...

I was thrilled when you posted on my blog that he was home. What a relief :) Great pics, love them!

susan said...

When Maxfield Parrish painted skies like that everyone thought he'd just made them up to show how clever he was.

I'm glad Onyx has returned to you.

Lydia said...

Kat~ Such a relief! He has stayed close to home each day since. We have three indoor cats in addition to the crew who adopted us that we call the "garage cats" (Onyx is one of them). Each is unique and would be missed if not here.

Hattie~ Thanks; I am too!
Ah, they must be litter mates. They will bring her so much delight.

Kim~ Oh, thank you and also for stopping by. It has been too long since I was at your blog and will be there quickly...

Looking to the Stars~ Glad you like the shots and are rejoicing along with us to have Onyx back!

susan~ Onyx is nearly as shiny black as Crow there. :) He is happy to have "flown" back home.
Maxfield Parrish probably would have seen the sky that night as validation! (I love his work.)

Manuela said...

looks like the sky was celebrating with you - what gorgeous clouds!!

naomi dagen bloom said...

As if the sky celebrated!

Lydia said...

Manuela~ It seemed so! I'd never seen any clouds like them before. :)

naomi dagen bloom~ Yes, as if!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

your blog is AMAZING!
Your photographs took my breath away and you KNOW how beyond happy that i am that your Onyx made it home safe and sound!

I am your newest follower!

Cat Chat

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful evening all round

Lydia said...

Caren~ Oh, thank you so much. I consider your comments to be real compliments, coming from a recent Blog of Note honoree! Congrats again on that distinction and thank you for following my blog. ^,^

madamebutterfly~ Yes it certainly was. And thank you for dropping by because I now remember I have your Magpie to read!

Erratic Thoughts said...

Aww,he is cute.I am so glad you got him back.Pure joy,indeed!
The pics are great!
Sunshine all the way...:)

Lydia said...

Erratic Thoughts~ Many thanks for your celebratory comments. :)



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