Sunday, November 14, 2010

Movie lines I love:

In a way he was like the country he lived in. Everything came too easily to him. But at least he knew it.

 -from The Way We Were (1973), Hubbell's autobiographical essay read in class by professor


As is already obvious, I have been posting a series of movie lines I love for the last three days and may continue for a bit. I am sorting through some things in my life right now and for some reason this exercise is therapeutic for me. Thanks for sticking around.....



Fireblossom said...

I saw this at the time it came out, but I was young and had no idea about lost loves, except that one had come back to take away my father, as I mentioned.

I do love Robert Redford. Who doesn't? "The Horse Whisperer" is one of my favorite movies ever.

The quote is interesting, Lydia. I lived abroad for a time in my early 20s, and it gave me some perspective about what I had, as an American. It gave me a sense of gratitude I've never lost.

Don't Feed The Pixies said...

hey lydia - i'm a bit behind with reading these, and many are films that i don't know so well - but i like that you are sharing your private meomories - lines from films, books and songs stay with us and can really affect us - make us laugh, cry or just think of another time, another place.

I'm going to respond in kind with a "moment" from a film - The Fisher King.

There's a moment where Parry (Robin Williams) and Jack (Jeff Bridges) are lying in central park and Robin Williams tells the story of the Fisher King (from Grail legend) that always affects me. The upshot of which is that a king who saw the holy grail as a kid spends his whole life searching for it again and becoming more bitter and pained until a fool hands him a drink - in the grail. And when the fool was asked how he had known where to look for this item he just replies "I didn't - i only saw a man who needed a drink"

or similar - but it's that moment and that line that always makes me think the most (sorry about the long pre-amble, but it doesn't work alone!)

secretfragileskies said...

I pretty much live my life by movie lines :) Watched Match Point's one: "The man who said "I'd rather be lucky than good" saw deeply into life. People are afraid to face how great a part of life is dependent on luck. It's scary to think so much is out of one's control. There are moments in a match when the ball hits the top of the net, and for a split second, it can either go forward or fall back. With a little luck, it goes forward, and you win. Or maybe it doesn't, and you lose."
Thanks for these posts!

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Very good selection. Hugs

K. said...

"When a man's partner is killed, he's supposed to do something about it. It doesn't make any difference what you thought of him. He was your partner and you're supposed to do something about it."

I have a theory that there is a line in the movie Holiday Inn for virtually every occasion in life.

Leovi said...

So for normal people it is difficult the great geniuses when they do think it's easy. Robert was one of the great

Darlene said...

I rarely remember lines from movies. Heck, I can't even remember the titles now. But I love Robert Redford and did see The Way We Were. I loved it.

Hope in a Basket said...

Hope everything is OK. Take care. :)

Owen said...

Keep on sorting then, the fruits of your sorting labors are most interesting.

Hope you are alright...

Lydia said...

Fireblossom~ I did not know you had lived abroad, and found your insights interesting. And your favoring "The Horse Whisperer" makes sense because you have a bit of the wild west in your poetry. More than a bit sometimes. I have still not seen "The Horse Whisperer" and must... but "The Electric Horseman" also starring Redford is a movie that delighted me. He delights me. :)

Pixies~ Wow, The Fisher King sounds wonderful! From your description and the line you shared I feel I've missed something great. Will search it out. (Robin Williams is a wonder, isn't he?) Thanks for being here.

secret, fragile skies~ Love, love, love your first line. :) And thank you for the great quote from Match Point. I know absolutely nothing about that movie, except what you just shared, and trust your taste implicitly so will find that DVD! (I am thinking Netflix would be a good service in this household...)

Lydia said...

Phivos~ I am glad you liked it. xo

K~ That quote is from Holiday Inn? The old flick with Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye? I cannot even think of how it would work in context so you really have me curious. I am positive it will be shown during the holidays as always so I'll pay special attention.
Great new profile pic.

Leovi~ What an interesting perspective on the quote! (You are a genius with photography.)
Redford, yes, he is great.

Darlene~ Your mind is so current and I think that is one reason why you don't remember movie stuff. I find that I remember much more about the movies I see in theaters, and can even totally forget having seen certain ones on DVD. I have no idea why that is...

Lydia said...

Frosty Duncan~ Oh, how kind of you; thanks. I was at your blog late one recent night and apologize for not leaving a comment. I enjoyed the post and will be back.

Owen~ Validating and kind comments from my friend in France...much, much appreciated.

K. said...

LOL -- apologies for the confusion. That quote is from The Maltese Falcon.

Holiday Inn was Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire; Bing and Danny Kaye were in White Christmas, a remake of HI and, IMHO, not as good. I've been watching HI every Christmas since I was a teenager (a long time ago). It has many quotable line that fit many contexts, such "Yes, but this time I'm sincere."

K. said...

A great exchange from Electric Horseman:

Redford: That horse should be standing out to stud.

Willie Nelson: Yeah, well, so should we all.

I don't know that I've ever heard the gap between what should be and what is ever put more concisely!

Lydia said...

K~ Ah! The Maltese Falcon seems a better home for that quote. And I had the two other movies mixed up, as I always do. I agree with you in much preferring HI to the remake (I dislike the colorizing in WC).

Haha! The quote from Electric Horseman was so great. Thinking about that movie puts a smile on my face and I want to see it again. :)

Rachel Fox said...

Great idea for posts. A lot of my favourite lines are from 'Broadcast News'. There's a whole page of them here.

Lydia said...

Kat~ I sure do love movies, as you do! It's fun to share favorite movies/actors/lines. Gatsby, for that you mentioned it/him. ;)

Rachel Fox~ Thanks much. Broadcast News! Now I will have lots of fun following the link you provided. All the more so having seen William Hurt on stage this past summer in Long Days Journey Into Night. He is truly marvelous in his contained intensity...

Lydia said...

Kat~ You, being one of the most literate and literary people in the blogosphere, are certainly entitled to a typo!



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