For more exhilaration with words dance on over to Thinkmap Visual Thesaurus. {P.S. added after initial posting: Visual Thesaurus allows some test runs then displays the option to pay for membership. I love the thing and paid a few years ago, putting it on one of my credit cards to automatically renew annually.}
Firstly I love the postcard!
And then wow - I could do with that Visual Thesaurus. It really is just what I need!
Cool postcard, and I love the lay-out of the visual thesaurus! It's almost like poetic diagrams. Thanks.
Very interesting, thanks-
It appears that someone was having fun with the thesaurus and dictionary.
Well, anyone who was out looking for a thrill today will go away satisfied from here ! And no cheap thrills either... Pretty cool tool you found there... I think I'm going to bookmark it, never know when a thesaurus may come in handy...
This is cool :)
I like tickle pink, that's going to be my saying for today. I am tickle pink :)
**EVERYONE~ Am leaving the house for the better part of the day and will reply individually later tonight. BUT I wanted to add (and will add to the post) that the Visual Thesaurus allows some test runs then displays the option to pay for membership. I love the thing and paid a few years ago, putting it on one of my credit cards to automatically renew annually.******
Oh my, VT sounds to be something that might carry one away. Not necessarily a negative judging from all the fun you had with it.
Jane~ Glad you enjoyed the postcard. When I saw it I knew I must have it to share.
Visual Thesaurus is great. I use it seriously sometimes, too!
mythopolis~ A poetic diagram: great description. :)
izzy~ My pleasure. :)
Darlene~ You got that right!
Owen~ Thanks much. I began by bookmarking Visual Thesaurus, and ultimately paid to join. I like it. Obviously. :)
Looking to the Stars, AKA Tickle Pink~ You are fun!
naomi~ I loved the postcard but it is different from most I own, in that there was not much to research (other than the fact that there appears to have been a series of these dance postcards, because I bought one more, but I wasn't in the mood to check into that) so the VT helped to have fun with the one word on the card. :)
There can't be enough words for delight :-)
i like how this brings another dimension to written language, makes it expand in space beyond the usual left-to-right line. it's like a dance :)
Wow, cool post card and what a site to share!
I must mention, You create Vast ART from a simple single word!
Love Aunt.
susan~ Thank you, and your visit delighted me, most definitely!
Riyadh~ Vast Art...the creators of Visual Thesaurus would love that description of their program! Hope you have fun with it in the future. XOXO
this is so cool :)
deus ex machina~ I am so glad you like it....and even gladder for a visit from you. XOXOXO
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