This beautiful dragonfly stayed on our back fence for nearly an hour last Sunday. I had never seen one with these brown tones before. I did some reading later on the symbolism of the dragonfly (visit link for full info, that notes the dragonfly has been on the planet for nearly 300 million years). These portions seemed important....like something I should personally pay attention to:
Maturity and a Depth of character
The dragonfly, in almost every part of the world symbolizes change and change in the perspective of self realization; and the kind of change that has its source in mental and emotional maturity and the understanding of the deeper meaning of life. . .
The opening of one’s eyes
The eyes of the dragonfly are one of the most amazing and awe inspiring sights. Given almost 80% of the insect’s brain power is dedicated to its sight and the fact that it can see in all 360 degrees around it, it symbolizes the uninhibited vision of the mind and the ability to see beyond the limitations of the human self. It also in a manner of speaking symbolizes a man/woman’s rising from materialism to be able to see beyond the mundane into the vastness that is really our Universe, and our own minds.
Dragonfly Lyrics
Artist (Band): Ziggy Marley
Artist (Band): Ziggy Marley
Everybody's worried about time
But i just keep that shit off my mind
People living on twenty-four hour clocks
But we're on a ride that never stops
Hey Mr. Bee, the world change, but you remain the same
And I wonder how you'll survive with the environment going down the drain
Hey Miss Dragonfly, I see you look at me with your beautiful eyes
You must be wondering, what type of creature am I?
A dog looked at me and said, "Ziggy, why can't we trust man?"
Puss and me get together [so] why can't you all just understand
An old tree stood there silently listening to every word we said
As a tear fell, he cried, "What type of creature is man?"
I said, "Hey Mr. Tree, the world change but you remain the same
and I wonder how you survive with the environment going down the drain?"
Hey Miss Butterfly, I see you look at me with your beautiful eyes
You must be wondering what type of creature am I?
You must be wondering what type of creature am I?
Everybody's worried about time
But I just keep that shit off my mind
People living on twenty-four hour clocks
But we're on a ride
Yes we're on a ride
We're on a ride that never stops
Hey Mr. Bee, the world change, but you remain the same
And I hope you'll survive with the environment going down the drain
Hey Miss Dragonfly, I see you look at me with your beautiful eyes
You must be wondering, what type of creature am I?
You must be wondering, what type of creature is man?

i often think that it must be tough being the son or daughter of someone who was remarkably talented - there's a sort of expectation already there
I wouldn't like to be Ziggy, following after the great Bob
Nice post! I've always thought dragonflies were amazing...and blue-tailed lizards too!
Wow! ... I've been educated, fascinated and entertained ... I loved this post!
We have had more dragonflys this year then any other. I've been planning on googleing about them, to see if I can find out why we have more this year. I love them, they are beautiful.
Love the lyrics to Ziggy's song :)
what deborah said i couldn't say better. ♥
Thanks for sharing your dragonfly and its meaning. Nifty stuff. Enjoyed Ziggy's lyrics, too.
Pixies~ No, I wouldn't want to be a child who had to follow Bob Marley's footsteps. But I think that Ziggy does him proud!
mythopolis~ Thank you! Now I must Google "blue-tailed lizards."
Deborah~ I am delighted by your comment. :)
Looking to the Stars~ I have wondered since reading your comment earlier in the day what you might find out about your influx of dragonflies. Hope it means lots of good luck. Yea, Ziggy!
Did you feel the Colorado 'quake on Tuesday?....
kj~ And I am as delighted by your comment as I was hers!
ds~ My pleasure to share the dragonfly...and Ziggy's lyrics, which I also love.
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