
Monday, October 24, 2011

House on a Cliff at the Oregon Coast

House on a Cliff by Louis MacNeice

Indoors the tang of a tiny oil lamp. Outdoors
The winking signal on the waste of sea.
Indoors the sound of the wind. Outdoors the wind.
Indoors the locked heart and the lost key.

Outdoors the chill, the void, the siren. Indoors
The strong man pained to find his red blood cools,
While the blind clock grows louder, faster. Outdoors
The silent moon, the garrulous tides she rules.

Indoors ancestral curse-cum-blessing. Outdoors
The empty bowl of heaven, the empty deep.
Indoors a purposeful man who talks at cross
Purposes, to himself, in a broken sleep.

I will probably share a few more photos from my solo weekend at the Oregon coast, but here is one for today. The poem is of a much darker mood than the emotions I felt when absorbed in the scene. I was driving the old Otter Crest Loop road and stopped at this viewpoint to think. It was such a great spot that I stayed awhile and read a chapter of the book I am currently reading. 



  1. It's my daily experience! I live south of Coos Bay, should you want to drop by.

  2. The sheer enormity of sea and land compared to the house is awesome. Glad you stopped for a while ....

  3. Brings back memories, for sure. The Oregon Coast is certainly the place for long, long thoughts and getting caught up with oneself.
    I'm looking forward to your photos.

  4. Brilliant shot. How insignificant we are, next to sky and sea (even tree).

  5. So beautiful. I've never been to the Oregon coast, though I do long to visit someday! If Joseph had his way, that's where we'd settle. Judging by your picture, it's not a bad plan :)

  6. rosaria~ I thought you lived on the north Oregon coast! South of Coos Bay is not our "day-trip" trip, or even weekend trip. But my husband lived in Brookings as a boy, and we are due another trip for him to reminisce. I will def get in touch when I plan on being down that way. (Lucky you to have this kind of view your daily reality.)

    Helen~ I loved your comparison of the size of the house to the rest of the scene.
    It was a beautiful reading spot.

    Hattie~ Yes, it is all those things you mentioned.
    This trip I did not take many photos. I shot video at Depoe Bay and also the little harbor where we hired the boat to take us out there to scatter my mother's ashes 11 years ago. But I'll post a few I took. :)

    ds~ Pretty darned insignificant, and I loved that you mentioned Sir Tree!

    Amber Lee~ It is spectacular. I am serious: do all you can to have Joseph's dream for your future become a reality. It would be *the best* place to live. Too bad you are not at that stage yet, as you cannot believe how many, many places are for sale all up and down the coast. It's a buyer's paradise....with few buyers.

  7. Beautiful. Breathtaking. Bonny! What a wonderful reading spot. (I'm a great fan of Louis MacNeice's poetry).

  8. Kay~ Thank you for those Three B's (especially "Bonny" one has ever used that wonderful word here at my blog before!).
    How cool you are a fan of his poetry...I only discovered him while looking for an applicable poem for the image and now I am a new fan of his poetry!

  9. it is lovely! i think i need exactly this, a solo weekend myself, with my camera and the sky (and autumn colours, of course). i love the poem, when i read "Indoors the sound of the wind. Outdoors the wind.
    Indoors the locked heart and the lost key", my eyes got moist...

  10. Roxana~ Yes, you do need exactly that and I hope you carve out the time for yourself to have it.
    I agree...that line in the poem is profound and gives me the same reaction.


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