
Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday Flash 55 -- What was his name?

Drawn by Dan Jesperson

Tessa met him playing blackjack in Bellagio's casino the night before, drank too much, and woke up the next morning in his room as he showered.

Her stomach growled. Did they ever have dinner? What was his name? Should she order breakfast?

She decided to dress and run. She and whats-his-name would always have Paris.

MLydiaM ~ October 2011

See the latest posts of weekly FF55s (works of fiction in 55 words)
 at Mr. KnowItAll, the G-Man.

Image notes from photographer: Paris Tower in Las Vegas, shot from the Bellagio, selective coloring. . .

Bellagio website here.

About Paris Las Vegas 



  1. Well written, this feels like a plan for a novel or short story at least! Nice to see the woman leaving first for once...

  2. Such an intriguing 55!
    Sounds like the beginning of a delightful book.

  3. def think you could open this one up into a larger story...hate memory loss...never seems to be a good thing..

  4. You've created an interesting snippet here.

  5. A simple, innocent image. Very nice!

  6. Oh My! yes, that rings an unfortunate bell- except for Paris-

  7. Er...somehow, this is *still* not all that romantic! :-P

  8. She was probably wise to run. If I was going to have an interlude I would at least want to remember the details. Or maybe not....

  9. She'll never forget good old waht's-his-name. LOL!

  10. What happens in Vegas......
    Where are these chicks when I'm there?
    Loved your 55 Lydia
    Thanks for playing, have fun in Oregon, and have a Kick Ass Week-End

  11. mylittlewordz~ Thanks, Jamie! This is a No-Double-Standard Blog!

    Since others mentioned something similar perhaps I should try to flesh this out into a story...

    Rob-bear~ Ditto on the last of the comment above. :)

    Brian~ Ditto on the comments above. :) (Memory loss is horrible, most definitely, and self-inflicted is tragic.)

    jane~ Thank you. Enjoy your weekend.

    Linc~ I appreciate your visit and comments here for this (innocent) 55!

    izzy~ bwhahahahah! Your comment would just have to be in the story if I wrote it. How rich!

    Fireblossom~ Sorry, you. To paraphrase Tina Turner, "What's romantic got to do with it, do with it...?"

    Yvonne Osborne~ Fun to read your comments, and ponder which option is best. Thank you!

    'Bubba'~ I roared when I read your comment! No, she certainly will not. :)

    G-Man~ Ditto on the roaring reaction mentioned above! I'm so glad I found your FF55 blog world. It's one of my favorite places now. :) Speaking of favorite places, I guess I usually have fun in Oregon, as it is where I live. Now, visiting the coast goes beyond is the best, and I am anxious to drive over there!

    Monkey Man~ What a strong reaction! It must be one reason there is not a Blackout Princess competition. Or a Miss Blackout America. Or Blackout Queen for a Day. Also, must be why the group did not call itself Blackout Peas!

  12. *****EARLY SAT. AM*****
    After some sleep I will be driving over the coast range for a lovely solo break. I'll reply to any additional comments after I return Sunday night, and look forward to reading more 55s early in the week.

  13. I liked the lines, and I liked reading between them, too!

  14. Oops. I hope she enjoyed the affair even though she couldn't remember it. Dangerous to drink that much.

  15. mythopolis~ Many thanks. I thought of you on my drive to the coast when I saw a farm with some good-looking chickens pecking around the yard.

    Darlene~ Certainly is dangerous to drink that much, and highly unlikely that she enjoyed the affair because of it. :[


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