
Thursday, October 20, 2011

poem about a lawyer by my doctor's favorite poet

Man Uphill by Sandi Solis

Walking to the Courthouse by Raymond A. Foss

Walking to the courthouse
to make copies for a pending case
no urgent brisk walk for arguments,
for the challenge of court, a purposeful
but easier walk, to the Clerk’s Office
to check the file, review and prepare
for another day, a few weeks from now
Time to notice the little things along
my path, the signs of fall, of leaves,
feathers, milkweed pods, seeds
and the crunch of the litter of the season
on the sidewalk, the edge of the yards
little bits of the debris, the clutter
of urban life, the little dramas in the
the back alleys, the side lawns
the broken stairs, the angels and gnomes
in the yards, a Curious George
in the dirt, face down, where it was
forgotten, little stories, fragments of lives
all along my route, walking the dozen blocks
to court from the office, on a fall morning

I read this poem while preparing the preceding OPW post featuring the old Marion County Courthouse and loved it. Raymond A. Foss is a favorite poet of my doctor, Olwyn K. Davies, M.D., who first introduced me to his work. As I spent two hours yesterday with Dr. Davies for a regular physical exam, it was sheer synchronicity to come upon this poem later in the evening. Dr. Davies is now 82 and just celebrated his 55th year of practicing medicine. He is in his office by 7:00 a.m. each day and his day does not end until after 7:00 p.m. I am acutely aware that in the years to come I shall never again have as fine a physician and personal confidant. He means the world to me.




  1. I can feel the emotion and vulnerability along the lines. I was moved to tears.

  2. deus ex machina~ You absolutely cannot know how much I have been thinking of you. Thank you for getting back in touch.
    (I wish you had met Dr. Davies when you were here. He undoubtedly would have solved your stomach ailments.)

  3. we had a great doctor at our local clinic, probably still there - i had to move to another one

    He's irish and some people found him a bit rude, but he used to amuse the hell out of me

    I remember when i went to him for advice on what injections i needed to go to China and his response was, "aaah f&%k, what the hell do you want to go there for?"

    Cracked me up no end.

    And he was a big Paul Simon fan as well - i remember that

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  5. Pixies~ What a great story about, obviously, a true character! I'm sorry you had to leave that doctor.
    China: that must have been an amazing trip (no matter what the doc thought!).

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  7. I would imagine your doctor has seen a lot change in the medical profession in his 55 years of practice. I wonder what he makes of it all. It is rare nowadays to find a physician that will spend time and listen, taking into account the whole person. I always feel so warehoused, ushered to wait in those little rooms while the doctor runs from one room to the next with no time to spare. You are very lucky. Next time I interview a doctor, I will find out what poets they read!

  8. Stickup~ Asking potential doctors that question should be a real insight into their makeup. You have made me realize that I must also ask that question after my doctor is no longer practicing. I do know how lucky I am, and I wish everyone could have a caring doctor like mine. The relationship is such a soulful one...for both of us I think. I know he loves his patients; that is obvious.

    He told me this last visit that the young doctors don't listen to him. Recently, when one was being sued for $13 million he said he tried to tell them how it is that he delivered 2000 babies in the military, and another 4000 in his practice, and has been practicing for 55 years without even a hint of a lawsuit.
    Yes, he has seen so many changes...


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