
Friday, December 20, 2013

Friday Flash 55 — little bird

Yellow summer bird
who perched on Meghan's
delicate hand, who knew
her soul was studying trust
in precious places — for singing,
for brief rest — before her test
of ultimate flight away,

Oh, little bird, return to
Meghan’s winter house.
Sing to the brokenhearted,
beckon their glance over the

There, a snow angel glistens.


My post in exactly 55 words written for Friday Flash 55.
Visit G-Man and his Mr. Knowitall community for more weekly 55s.

My poem was inspired by and is dedicated to Tom Degan's sharing about the death of a beloved little girl in his life, a family friend, on December 18, 2013.  Four days before she died, he posted at his blog and facebook wall a photo of Meghan's hand holding a wild bird, and since her death has posted a photo of the two of them together along with some of his perfect words. You can find the photos and his short, beautiful commentary at the bottom of his post titled "Nightmare Revisited," dated December 14. I hope this link works. (If not, go to


  1. Thank you, Lydia. I'm overwhelmed and speechless. Thank you.

  2. This poetry is so very touching, it took my breath away for a second. Thank you for sharing this rich sentiment.

  3. Dear Sweet Lydia....
    Heart of Gold, Joyful Soul.
    It's remembering those precious moments in life that count.
    Loved your beautiful 55
    Thanks for the tribute and for sharing it with us all.
    Have a Kick Ass Week-End

  4. ah you have a beautiful heart sad as well...but what a beautiful moment she got there with that bird before the end...

    have a wonderful christmas lydia...if we dont cross pathes before then...

  5. What a beautiful poem about such a very sad subject. Peace to you.

  6. I went first to look at the pictures. Now I'm back to re-read your beautiful poem - one I'm sure you would have preferred not to write at all.

  7. Tom~ The power of your love for her is so beautiful that it is touching many hearts, as I am sure it touched hers during her Time with you.

    Hello Everyone~ Please excuse me for not replying to your lovely individual sentiments. Peace to you all and to Meghan's spirit this holiday season. ❆

  8. This is heart-breaking, but life is this way. It is both tender and tough.

  9. A lovely poem for your friend in his grief. -- barbara

  10. wonderful... so poignant a poem. Thanks for letting us know about this man and the little girl.
    Have a wonderful holiday season and Happy New Year!


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