
Friday, January 17, 2014

Friday Flash 55 — Being

Image: from 1000 drawings by sarah nieman, via Tumblr

More than just the personal blip
that at first she thought it was,
a major discomposure, a gravitational
pull, bore heavily down and
around her, compressing her essence
for self examination, then
it drifted and filtered away, and,
with it, she too began to let go,
a being of release and liberation.

My post in exactly 55 words written for Friday Flash 55.
Visit G-Man and his Mr. Knowitall community for more weekly 55s.



  1. Drifting is good! less worry and doubt! glad to read you, be well.

  2. Sweet Lydia, didn't I just write about Philosophy and Poetry?
    My Proffessor must have been Wrong!
    Loved your existential 55
    You have such a creative mind
    Thanks for playing, thanks for always being so encourageing to me, You Rock.
    Have a Kick Ass Week-End

  3. What a great match here! Love the way you experienced the painting, the way liberation occurs.

  4. Decompressing and floating away. That feels good!

    Blessings and Bear hugs!

  5. Oh wonderful Lydia! I like your freeing 55. The picture is very cool too.

  6. Love this. You wouldn't think being is such a hard thing to do. But it is.

  7. Yes, let the wind expand me!

    This painting and your words are perfect together

    Your writing is better and better, Lydia.


  8. then gently it drifted and
    filtered away, and,
    with it, she too
    began to let go

    One often feels there are obstacles that are in the way. But if it gently drifts away it wouldn't be that bad. Nicely Writer!


  9. Oh, I like that very much, Lydia. It's a beautiful match for that image too.

  10. there is so much life on the other side of that letting go and release....

    that is a very cool pic you chose as well...

  11. Great write my friend! Letting go can be very liberating. Thank you for introducing me to your wonderful blog! Chris


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