chapter of my life. by Menachem Krinsky
When there is a restless stirring inside me
that callsandcalls, leaving no message —
but turns over upon itself, overandover,
waiting for me to decode the signals,
urging me to remember how novel
boldness can be, while not
misreading it as in the
past, a new chapter
may be ready to be
read, or written -
passive or
active -
Written for Poetics — ChaNGe & TuRns — at dVerse Poets hosted this week by Claudia Schoenfeld, who shared with us her freeway photography, and asking us to consider changes or turns in whatever form we chose.
I like the fast pace of this piece. Very strong words!
smiles...i have felt that turning head to it, let it birth in its time, feed it, nourish it...and change when it calls...smiles.
happy new year lydia.
oh we just know in a way when it's time for a new chapter in our life...somehow life turns the page for us, sometimes we do it ourselves..
..changes will provide us hints to something about to come and happen in our life... and later everything will be clear to us by the shift of another change... happy new year... smiles..
I like the sprint to the last, a question? Maybe its all for the best ~ Happy New Year ~
I'm touched by all the solid writing going on through dVerse. Congratulations!
Restlessness callandcalls and leaves no message...what an apt description!
My soul spirals back
through the past
Hoping to climb
above it
on a higher plane.
I don;t know
If that is possible,
but, it seems
a reasonable goal.
Since change is inevitable, one may consider and reflect yet still be bold. Very nicely said, Lydia.
Best wishes for the New Year.
Thank you everyone for these lovely comments. I apologize for getting so behind over the holidays that I didn't reply individually....but I appreciated each one individually!
Happy New Year!
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